Regulations on wood burning stoves

Heya. To keep it brief, we are thinking of buying a house, but are a bit worried because we don’t want to be stuck next to someone who chooses to install a wood burning stove. The area we live has quite a few people who choose to do this. Even the newer stoves that advertise as “clean” still have a very negative effect on surrounding air quality due to particulate matter.

A lot of people like them because they look great which I get, but I have lung issues (asthma and chronic bronchitis) and being stuck next to someone who burns wood daily in the winter would be torture for me.

Are there any regulations in Japan regarding wood burning stoves near other houses? Seems like there should be, but this is Japan and I get the impression there probably aren’t.

Any advice on where to look would be appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Probably not unless you are in an urban area.
    Go to city hall and check. Get a copy of any info they supply.

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