Problem in my part-time job

Good day everyone. I dont know if this is the right sub, if not pls tell me where could I go.

Some background, I work in a restaurant, as part-time job while I’m studying my master degree in a university. Now the problem is, my bosses have said that meals that go wrong will be deducted from our salary, or for the slightest mistake we make, they will reduce our salary for a month. In my country I know how things work and I know that it is illegal, but here in Japan I don’t know if there is something that allows them to do such a thing.

Also, I have a maximum of 28 hours a week, but in May, due to a lack of workers, I had to exceed that figure and now he says that he is going to pay me little by little over the months so that they don’t notice in the tax office. I want to leave but I am afraid that if I leave I will lose that money. what could I do ?

Thank you very much for your help!

Edit: Thanks all of you for your time and advice. I just worked on may more than 28h/week bc boss asked due to lack of workers. I wont do it again, all my fault agree to that petition. And I’ll look for another job asap!

  1. 1. You are not a contractor so you are paid by hour of work not by outcome. Any problems with making meals are the employers responsibility because they should train you and manage you so it does not happen.
    2. The 28 hour maximum has nothing to do with taxes, but with your visa. So don’t do the extra hours because it will be your problem not your bosses.
    3. Paying you what you earned when you earned it is one of the most basic things an employer has to get right, so no “paying you over months so the tax office doesn’t notice” BS allowed.
    4. Your boss could be setting you up to not pay the extra hours. You do the extra hours, (s)he doesn’t pay. How do you complain? (S)he might be calculating that you don’t want to take the risk of working more hours than your visa allows.

  2. 1. It’s not your responsibility to pay that because you’re a part timer. (It’s Illegal but there’s a black company in here that still deduct salary from a mistake that you’d make)

    2. The problem of exceeding 28h doesn’t impact you right now, but it will be when you wanna change your Student Visa’s into Worker Visa’s(this is vital). But it’s not too late to change, you probably gonna be okay.

    Just quit this part-time job, you still get your money.

    There’s still a lot of part-time job that will respect you as a human being.

  3. Visa wise you didn’t do more than 28 hours… Forget about that extra money.

    Next time you get paid, quit immediately. There are enough restaurants looking for staff, you don’t have to put up with nonsense.

    Where do you live?

    Oh, and never work more than 28 hours, anyone who knows you did has power over you

  4. As someone who also worked part-time in a restaurant as a student, I can tell you that you should get out of that job. Now that tourists are back, there are way too many restaurants willing to take part-timers.

    And the other commenters are right about how working over the permitted hours might get you in trouble at the time of renewing your visa.

    If you speak some Japanese, you might feel like getting advice from the related organism from the ministry of labour and they can drop by and search for the evidence of this illegal practice, but you probably need some evidence, like messenger app chats or such…

  5. owner problem should be covered by their insurance. Salary deduction for mistake is not legal

  6. It sounds like your employer is doing illegal things. If you’re studying at university I’m almost certain they have some kind of 窓口 or resources for students who are having troubles in their part-time job. I see posters about it at my university all the time. Maybe ask your supervising professor and see if they can point you in some direction?

  7. Just quit today. Why would you work for a company like that? It’s not even worth going in

  8. Just get another job, this company sounds awful and these kinda of part time jobs are literally a dime a dozen in Japan. You could walk down a street and find 10 more places hiring

  9. Thanks everyone. I’ll try to find another job as soon as possible and leave that one, which turn to be really toxic. Should I have any problem if I just told one week before I’m going?

  10. Sounds like a toxic manager. I used to work in multiple restaurants while studying here too, and none of my store managers had ever blamed us for a wrong order. And the working over 28 hours things, just don’t do it. Looking for a new job as soon as possible.

  11. I also did part time job 6 months in Japan in a medium-high grade restaurant. Never in all the time I spent there the salary was deducted if someone messed up food. Even the full time workers. Obviously you would get scolded but the salary can’t be lowered by that.

  12. Don’t exceed that 28 hours/week man, the trouble is not worth the money

  13. sounds like a nasty company, leave asap.

    You should work for Amazon if there’s one nearby. I worked there before 20 hours per week, and it was amazing. Despite all the negative reviews you see on the news, it was the best company I ever worked for.

  14. Quit. ASAP.
    I have done my fair share of part-time jobs. A good owner/manager WILL ask for your consent for overtime. Better places even know that students have a 28 hour limit (except summer/winter holidays) and actively remind them if they get close to limits. And no, your salary shouldn’t get deducted when a mistake occurs. Verbal warnings performance hit (especially if repeated) yes, but not direct salary deduction.

  15. Quit as soon as you found a new work place. Black company in a country full of manual labor shortages. You can easily find another job, don’t work for these bloodsuckers.

  16. 2 things,

    1. The 28 hour rule is not calculated with certain start and end dates. It should add up to 28 no matter the start date of a week. Please be careful.

    2. Employers get in trouble for breaking the 28 hour rule. Law says up to three years in prison or up to 300 million yen fine. That’ll get pushy bosses off your back.

  17. Can’t you say you want to take 1 or 2 weeks off and have him pay you the owed hours while away?

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