Japanese housemates immune to food poisoning?

I have been living with Japanese housemates for a few months now who all have the habit of cooking a big batch of rice, wrapping the portions with plastic wrap and then leaving them out at room temperature (sometimes they put it in the fridge) to eat over the course of a few days. Now according to every food safety source on google, rice is not able to be sat at room temperature for more than 2 hours or it will be unsafe to consume.
Is this a common thing to do in japan? How don’t these people suffer from permanent food poisoning?

EDIT: sorry english isnt my first language and I assumed people understood i meant they leave it out longer than 2 hours -_-. They leave it out for days… like 4-6 DAYS

  1. Maybe just maybe, food doesn’t go bad just because you leave it at room temperature for more than 2 hours

  2. Go find the thread a couple weeks ago about this very topic. Everything has been discussed. The information world is yours immediately

  3. This is normal in Asia and we’re fine. I’ve done it in the Philippines, doing it now in Japan and still alive. It’s edible unless it smells rotten LOLOLOLOLOLOL

  4. It tastes bad in the same way warm beer tastes like crap but a couple of hours is not enough to make you sick.

  5. I’ve been preparing rice for 2 days for the past 5 years and leaving it in the rice cooker. The last portion ends up a bit dry but no food poisoning (yet?). Maybe i have superpowers!

  6. here’s some shocking news for you, but you can actually eat eggs raw as well! :O for bonus points that raw egg can be eaten on that rice too! double :O

  7. I wouldn’t eat it if it’s been at room temperature for 24 hours. However if it’s in the fridge no problem at all it will last a couple of days.

    It also isn’t super bad food poisoning you get like if you ate rotting meat. It’s just a bit of a belly ache with maybe some vomiting if you’re unlucky.

    I do think it’s gross to leave it there for a couple of days. Why not put it in the fridge it’s so little effort.

  8. A rice cooker temperature will kill anything so should be pretty sterile. Personally, I’ve seen the rice go hard before it goes bad. To stop it going hard wrapping in plastic and sticking in the fridge gives you an easy extra two days.

  9. Is very normal . Also used for some Chinese food (old rise). Just watch uncle Roger videos 😂

  10. Food guidelines are generally made to prevent people (including the people making the guidelines) from getting sued so they are quite conservative. That’s why for restaurants and convenience stores people are throwing away completely good food but at home people are eating half-day old food

  11. I’ve kept rice in the rice cooker on “warm” for 24-48 hours before eating it plenty of times when I was younger. I wouldn’t do it now, but I never got sick.

  12. As long as their is no meat product inside you should be fine. But the taste, smell and texture will definitely be off.

  13. I don’t know where you are from, but as Asian, and coming from rice-eating-country, it’s perfectly fine.

    As long as the rice doesn’t become “weirdly sticky” and have the “bad smell”, which we know how the smell gonna be, it’s 100% edible.
    No expiration date for rice, only the smell!

  14. This is completely common. I have a pretty weak stomach, but reheated rice has never been an issue.

    In fact, I worked at a restaurant, which shall not be named even though it’s already closed down, and they would also leave the rice in the rice cooker over night. We would cook rice in huge batches, move it over into plastic boxes and wrap it, let it cool for a while, then put it in the fridge. When the rice cookers on the buffet side were empty we would just microwave a box, and refill the rice cooker that was always set to “keep warm” mode. In the mornings we would fill the rice cooker with freshly reheated rice on top, but make sure to flip the contents so that the old rice from the day before would be eaten first, probably.

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