Daughter afraid of sea, sand, pools

My daughter (3) is in a phase (hopefully) of hating the beach, sea, swimming pools – anything involving sand and/or water.
Anyone got any holiday ideas or recommendations given this? Within Japan or Asia.

  1. Playville monthly ticket ? Lego land?
    My 3 years don’t like ☀️ or hot , he just say , “my eye hurt, back home”, he also don’t like pool or getting dirty. So we go a lot to indoor places. Tried usj but some how he hate george the monkey and don’t want to go in anymore .

  2. Ocean beach vacations in Japan are over-rated, at least in summer: blistering heat, sunburn, jellyfish stings, and every evening sazae for dinner.

    It’s even less fun for kids than adults. Your kid has it figured out.

  3. She is 3 years old.

    I was terrified of dogs as a child but love them now.

    Kids are panicky and scared of many thing as a survival mechanism.

  4. Wouldn’t book a holiday to Okinawa then. How about a holiday in the Japanese alps? I know most people go to the beach but my favorite summer holiday memories as a child were made in Carinthia in Austria, doing mountain walks. Your daughter might love this type of vacation too.

  5. My son was like that until our recent beach trip. That very day, for the first two hours, he stayed out of water playing with his sand toys near our popup tent. Then he slowly started joining us in water. We got him a tube, arm bands and played with a beach ball. He ended the day enjoying water. Obviously it may not work for you, but you can try spending longer period by the beach.

    Another suggestion is just let her play in one of the free water play areas (水遊びスポット) aka “mizu asobi spots” nearby, buy her some sand toys and let her use her creativity. I don’t know of any kid who doesn’t like playing in shallow water. Good luck!

  6. Let her play in the bath, with dedicated toys. Always keep watch, they can drow in little water. Kiddo will get used to enjoy water.

  7. Is she ok with splash pads?

    I don’t blame her for not liking the beach. It’s hot, sandy, dirty, sticky. Even pools can be a bit much with being cold or filled with a lot of people.

    This really sounds like a sensory thing. If even she’s not a fan of splash pads she probably doesn’t like dirt much either. Maybe visit children’s museums or indoor play areas it really just depends on rather what your daughter isn’t into, find something that aligns with what she IS into? I’m sure you can find a holiday idea based on at least one of her interests.

  8. One, that’s completely normal, I couldn’t swim until I was 6 or 7, and I’m from Hawaii, where no matter where you are, you’re always less than 10 minutes away from the nearest beach.

    How about a zoo or an aquarium? Or even an amusement park.

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