Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 09, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. If I want to say “good job!” to a student after class, which is better or more natural 「良くできました!」or 「お疲れ様でした!」?

  2. what is か doing here?
    In this [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v4MrAyRTWqw) ゆうすけ says 「まぁ どこに (行く)いくかにも よるんですけど…」there is a か after いく (or perhaps かにも?), how is it affecting? (idk if this helps, but since it’s written to do, the context is that ゆうすけ is talking about the best months to travel to japan)

  3. What’s the difference between うん, ええ, はい and そうです?

    so, here’s how I see this
    うん is basically a very informal and natural confirmation sound, it means something like “yeah” or “Uh-huh”
    ええ is basically the informal way of saying “yes”, but also can even be used in some keigo situations as はい can be a bit too formal for some day to day activities, it’s usually used in very formal situations like in some business operations
    そうです feels more like “that’s right”, like a confirmation of some opinion or statement made by the person or someone else, expressing “things are” or are in a state of being some way
    Does that make sense? What are other nuances and use cases of these words?

  4. Hi I was reading manga and came across with this phrase: “兄貴を殺すまで死んでたまるかって思ってたのに”
    The problem is that I don’t know what たまるかって means here.
    I’ve searched online and it came to the conclusion that 死んでたまるかって means “not die”

    But I don’t know how たまる (to endure) + か turned the all the 死んでたまるか in kind of negative.

    Would appreciate if someone could help, thank you all

    Edit: The context is basically the speaker dying and saying that, also his dream was to kill his brother.

  5. The speaker here is thinking about his bandmate, who’s puffed from band practice and fallen asleep beside him (Source is: Given, Ep 7, 9:59):

    立夏: そういえば…初めて会った時もこいつ―ちょこ~んって**効果音つきそうな**感じで寝てたな…

    The bolded part, does it mean, it seems like there’s a bunch of ぐうぐうs radiating from the sleeper’s person?

  6. Hello! I’m currently trying to immerse myself in Japanese, and I came across this phrase in the game I was playing (Tears of the Kingdom): ソラタケ. I already know ソラ means sky, but what does ダケ mean? I assume it means mushroom because in English it is called Skyshroom, but to my knowledge, ダケ is used to say “only” or “just”. Can ダケ also be used to say “mushroom”? Thanks, and cheers!

  7. Can anyone help rank these games in order of language difficulty? These are all on Game Gengo’s “must buy” list but I’m concerned about difficulty (I’m probably around low N3 level): 13 Sentinels, Dragon Quest XI, Triangle Strategy, Persona 4/5, Famicom Detective Club.

  8. not sure about second sentence.

    すべき: should do, ought to do..
    Translation: congrats on reaching 1 million views.. idk how to form the next one at all help..

    you should celebrate, today thankful?



  9. Maybe this would be better suited for /r/linguistics, but a question to anyone who has done serious work on Japanese phonology: in rapid/non-careful speech, is there genuinely still a difference between, for example, the minimal pair 正悪 (せいあく) – 制約 (せいやく)?

    I suspect if you were to compare these on a spectrogram they’d be exactly the same, and I know there are documented examples of weird equivalencies when it comes to vowel hiatuses (like how the NHK recognizes ユー as the ‘official’ pronunciation of 言う)

  10. ニュースを読んでこの文章に会った “高校生たちは、江戸の人の家族を思う気持ちなどをかいた話を一生懸命見ていました。” でも、なかなか理解できない。主にこの所 “人の家族を思う気持ち”, これは “人の自分の家族に対する気持ち” の意味ですか

  11. How do you type something like ディスカウント on a PC? I can’t get it to come out. で椅子カウント

  12. Does anyone else find the listening sections of low level JLPT tests like N5/N4 grating on the ears because of how unnaturally slow (in terms of speed not volume) they speak. I can’t stand it.

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