Avoid health insurance and pension payment in last month before leaving japan

Hello folks,

would like to get your opinions.
I will soon leave japan for good, but i guess i have choosen the timing poorly.

My work contract will end at the end of the month. But my flight out of japan is scheduled for the 3rd day of the next month.

Do i really have to sign up to nation health insurance and national pension insurance at the ward office for just 3 days?
I heard you would have to pay the full premiums for the full month.

What if i submit the moving out notification to the ward office with the date of end of month, but then just leave japan 3 days later?

Btw, i don’t need japanese health insurance since i am also covered by private health insurance.
And i intend to request lump sum withdrawal of the pension, so of course i don’t want to jeopardize it…

  1. If you aren’t coming back, then it doesn’t matter.

    It’s not like they’re going to send a SWAT team after you at the airport.

  2. Health insurance and pension are billed the final day of the calendar month.

    So let’s say hypothetically you cease residency (via removing yourself from the resident register, via filing your moving out of Japan paper work for the date August 3rd) and physically leave August 3rd, then you’d essentially get 3 days of health insurance for free, and you won’t get a August 2023 national pension bill (obviously then your pension record will only go up to July 2023)

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