Canadian JETs paying back OSAP, how doable is it?

I have wanted to teach in Japan/become a JET ever since I was like 10 and now I’m 19 and in university. I did some OSAP calculations and I should graduate with a big load of around $35k to $40k (really overshooting with the $40k, but I honestly want to be prepared for the worst). I want to start JET as soon as I can. How much is usually left over for you guys when your monthly salary comes in? How much should I prepare to bring with me if I do decide to become a JET?

Realistically, I know I should pay off at least half or more than half of my debt before I think about applying, but I want to see what my chances are like if I decide to go DIRECTLY into the JET program (given I’m accepted in the next two-three years).

  1. It is really dependant on your placement and lifestyle. If you’re placed in Tokyo? Probably won’t have much, if any, to send back. If you’re in the inaka, you might be able to pay back $500+ a month and still live comfortably (depending on how frugal you are).

    You won’t really know until you get here and spend a month in your placement.

    In terms of bringing money, again, that’s dependant on your placement. Some people have low start up costs, others have key money + fees + furnishing an apartment from nothing.

    Obviously, coming over with zero debts is ideal, but people do come over and still manage to pay off their student debts.

    Best advice right now is to just try and save up as much as you can.

  2. Hi there, I was in a similar position as you with $34k in OSAP debt. It is doable! I went on JET two years after graduating and paid off around half of it by staying at home and working.

    As someone else mentioned, your savings will vary depending on your placement. But my rent is subsidized and I can save around 100,000 yen per month (more in 2nd/3rd year because of the raise). That’s a healthy amount to throw into loan payments.

    Point is, you can do it. I would recommend paying off some of it off before JET to give you some breathing room since it would be nice to have money for travel and future savings.

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