Itinerary Check: 20 days from end of September to mid October

Hello everyone, hoping to receive feedback and suggestions on my current plan.

I have been to Japan a few times previously (always from March to May), spending majority of time in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto already seeing the main sites. I have done day trips to Hakone, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Hiroshima once, so I could go back to explore again. I will not be driving and will be relying on public transportation, mainly a JR Pass (have not yet purchased).

While my days are not packed with sites to see this time around, I do like to walk to explore the cities and take in as much as I can.


**Dates:** September 29 (arrive in Tokyo) – October 18 (depart Tokyo for home)

**September 29 – Tokyo to Nagano**

* Arrive in Tokyo (mid afternoon \~3pm)
* Take a train to Nagano and rest of the evening

**September 30 – Nagano to Kanazawa**

* Spend most of the day in Nagano:
* Snow Monkey Park
* Zenkoji Temple
* Take a train in evening to Kanazawa

**October 1 – Kanazawa and Shirakawa-Go**

* Half day trip to Shirakawa-Go
* Return to Kanazawa in the afternoon
* Castle Park
* Kenroku-en Garden
* Autumn Light-up event (if still available)

**October 2 – Kanazawa**

* Myoryuji Temple
* Higashi Chaya District

**October 3 – Kanazawa to Fukui to Osaka**

* Leave Kanazawa in the early morning and take the train to Fukui
* Half day in Fukui
* Echizen Daibutsu or Eiheiji Temple – Is it worth to see both or is one better than the other?
* Leave Fukui for Osaka in late afternoon

**October 4 – Osaka (will act as a hub)**

* Spend the day in Osaka and relax after a few days of travel
* Hirakata T-Site
* TeamLabs Botanical Garden

**October 5 – Lake Biwa and Kyoto half day trips**

* Leave for Lake Biwa in the morning to see the Shirahige Shrine
* Leave for Kyoto early afternoon
* Walk Gion district
* Train back to Osaka in evening

**October 6 – Nara day trip**

* Leave for Nara in the morning
* Todaiji Temple
* Nara Park
* Train back to Osaka

**October 7 – Uji day trip**

* Leave for Uji in the morning
* Byodin
* Ujigami Shrine
* Tsuen Tea
* Train back to Osaka

**October 8 – Day trip to either Kyoto, Kobe, or Hiroshima**

* Leave for Kyoto, Kobe or Hiroshima – likely Hiroshima as I’ve only been once
* Train back to Osaka

**October 9 – Osaka or revisit other cities**

* Will be my last day in Osaka before moving on
* Maybe go back to Uji – I love tea and matcha!
* Today is also Sports Day – hopefully some events happening today

**October 10 – Osaka to Hakodate**

* Leave Osaka to take flight up to Hakodate
* Fort Goryokaku
* Mt. Hakodate at night

**October 11 – Hakodate to Sapporo**

* Take train in the morning to Sapporo
* Odori Park
* Sapporo TV Tower
* MoereNuma Park

**October 12 – Day trip to Otaru**

* Take train in early morning to Otaru
* Otaru Canal
* Nikka Whisky Distillery Tour
* Mt. Tengu in evening
* Train back to Otaru in evening

**October 13 – Sapporo to Tokyo**

* Leave for Tokyo in mid morning / early afternoon

**October 14 to October 17 – Tokyo (will act as a hub)**

* Would like to do a half or day trip to either Lake Kawaguchiko or Hakone to see Mt Fuji, depending on the weather
* Will try to take it easy while I am here for my last few days. I have been to Disney Sea, Disney Land, and Ghibli Museum in the past, though I am a big fan of Ghibli I may try to see that again
* TeamLabs

**October 18 – Fly home**


One of my main reasons to visit in October is to see the Autumn Foliage, which I hope I can see in Hokkaido. If I need to see Sapporo at the beginning of the trip, I am willing to change the order of my travel knowing that this would likely mean to cut some of the planned trips.


Any feedback or suggestions you may have is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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