$6 Safeway Salmon Sashimi: 36 hour freezer test

$6 Safeway Salmon Sashimi: 36 hour freezer test


  1. This is the 36-48 hour update to [this post on Safeway salmon](https://www.reddit.com/r/sushi/comments/14m8u10/preparing_and_curing_6_grocery_salmon_for_sushi/)

    Some notes:

    * The miware (the broken/shredded meat) is completely fine to eat, but it makes cutting more difficult. It was unfortunately already present in the fillet and not from the freezing process. This is prob best for rolls and poke/chirashi
    * I defrosted overnight in the fridge
    * For chogochujang for the video I used bibigo’s bottled ‘gochujang sauce’. It’s pretty decent
    * I’m recording an update for 7 days today
    * The hard tack clacking is Max miller and the tools line is by the golden god from IASIP

  2. Do you freeze in a special kind of freezer?

    When you bought the fish before freezing did it smell fishy? Does freezing fix that?

    I only make sashimi with the costco farm raised norwegian salmon when it does not smell fishy.

  3. Amazing! Nice video. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and all the testing you do.

  4. I loooove seeing your videos on tiktok and then seeing you posting on reddit, it makes it feel so personal!

  5. I have questions!


    Is this non sashimi grade, that you made into sashimi grade?


    I know the whole grading system is a bit bullshit, and the sashimi grade salmon i get here has no marbling and never looks this good!

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