Where to get a blood test

Hi all,

Where can I go to get a blood test and check for literally anything I want to? For example if I want to check my vitamin and mineral levels or Albumin, creatinine, glucose, red cell distribution width, etc.

Any ideas?

  1. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/wiki/shopping)?

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  2. You can do a blood donation and they would do a blood test on you. It’s free, for a good cause, and you can get some snacks when your done

  3. How long have you been here and are you working? At some point, probably this summer, your company should demand/request you to have a free basic health check. They’ll send you a form where there are optional extra tests you can pay for which include stuff like that.

    You should also be able to request one from your reg GP/naika, if you have one. Just say something along the lines of “ketsu-eki-kensa ga hoshii desu kedo.” They don’t think it’s needed and hem and haw? – find a new doc cause they suck.

  4. I recently got an overview blood test (diabetes, fat, potassium, many other things) and urine test at a walk in clinic in Sangenjaya. Many places offer them. I didn’t eat when I woke up and just told them I’d been fasting and what I wanted and they did it. Results came in two days. Google the type of test you’re looking for and your neighbourhood and it should show you results! Basically an internist/GP for what you’ve asked for I think.

  5. Any clinic can do it for you, just ask for a blood test and what u want included. It can get very expensive if u go for cancer marker , allergic etc.

  6. Any naika 内科 can do it for you.

    Just go in and explain what you want. Depending on the clinic, it could take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks, and runs ¥2500-5000 with insurance depending on how extensive.

  7. Any 内科 can do this. Just call them up and ask. Pretty sure it’s called 採血検査. And the results are called 採血結果。

    My doctors usually let me just check whatever I want on the list.

    If they are mainly doing cardiology they can probably get you the results and discuss your bloodwork the same day. If you’re in Osaka by chance I can give you a clinic that does it same day.

  8. I’ve been here long enough to know I need a blood test, but not long enough to trust my GP’s hemming and hawing!

  9. Any naika can do normal test. But vitamin tests costs like 6 man~ and you need to find a specific clinic for that

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