Royal Host Offering British Oub Grub

As per title, fish & chips, Cornish pasties, Coronation chicken and more have appeared on the menu at Royal Host.

I’ll give them 6.5 out of 10. Volume let’s them down.

  1. A good Cornish pasty or sausage roll is amazing. A microwaved frozen approximation? Probably not so much.

  2. Confirmed. Saw the menu, eating in Asakusa today. Didn’t try it, though.

  3. I saw this too.. if it’s anything like the fish & chips at the hub. I’ll think I’ll pass. I haven’t been to a Japanese run themed pub yet in Japan that has actually managed to sell good British grub. The very few times I have been to the Royal host I was disappointed by just about everything on their menu and their prices were way over the top for the tasteless slop that their microwave technicians were trying to pass of as food. It’s a no from me!

  4. Kind of like the Mexican menu at Coco’s. Volume is low, expensive but better than nothing if you are in the mood for half a quesadilla, tiny nachos or a taco salad.

  5. Hahaha. I work at a royal host. It’s been a pretty popular menu, though I haven’t tried it yet. The cottage pie looks good.

  6. If someone could post a review, so we can rush there or offer our condolences depending on the results.

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