Bitten by Deer in Nara

Hello, so today I was feeding the wild deer in Nara and one got a little impatient with me and tried biting my clothes. I don’t think the skin was broken but I have this innate fear of rabies. I googled rabies in Japan and the majority of articles were about how they don’t have it in cats or dogs. Does the same go for the wild life or should I seek medical attention?

  1. You’re fine. If the deer in Nara were rabid, the town would fall apart and be an apocalyptic hellscape.

  2. Yees, you are turing into bambi, it happened to me, now i live in nara with the deers lol

  3. Not to be a jerk but if you have an “innate fear of rabies “ why are you out feeding semi-wild animals?

  4. Hey OP- myself and my travel partner got bit by the deer- enough to bruise, not to break skin. This was over a month ago. No rabies for us. You’re fine! 🙂

  5. They nibble at everyone. They are plant eaters with no fang-like teeth. You can’t get rabies through your clothes from a deer nibble. If your skin was broken there would be blood.

  6. Why are you on the internet and not a medical facility if you’re really worried?

  7. When’s the next full moon? That’s when you’ll truly find out if your a were-deer or not.

  8. 😂😂😂 Shut The Fuk Up.
    Those deer nip at worst.
    Its funny if anything, dont be such a drama queen and get over yourself.

  9. Japan is one of the few countries in the world that is free of rabies, and has been since the 1950s.

  10. The deer I was feeding decided to bite through my charging wire while I was unwrapping a biscuit for it. 💀

  11. 1) Japan is rabies free.
    2) Rabid deer, even in countries that DO have rabies, are extraordinarily rare. They aren’t typically a vector species.

    You’ll be fine. 😭

  12. you’re going to be okay, country is completely rabies free. ive been bitten by all sorts of animals (usually cats mind you but I’ve had my fair share of wild animals) and the only thing that usually happens to me is bleeding.

  13. There’s a higher chance of getting run over by a drunk driver or a volcanic eruption shooting your plane down if that makes you feel better.

  14. Lmao is this a fucking joke? Please tell me this is a joke. How do you people actually function in society?

  15. No rabies in Japan, at all. Aside from that, rabies in deer is very uncommon. You’ll be okay

  16. I don’t know how it is in Nara, but we have a lot of deer in the US and are told to stay away due to ticks and Lyme disease

  17. I was feeding a bunch in 2019, there was one behind me I didn’t notice and she bit my bum hard.

    Besides the bruise I was fine, and have a funny story to tell!

  18. if it didnt break skin youre fine. rabies can only be transmitted if the infected saliva enters your blood stream. if the skin didnt break there is virtually no chance you could contract it. also if the deer were rabid they would probably be exhibiting very obvious symptoms. rabies is also not as common as people think it is even in the states. ive worked in animal care for 10+ years.

  19. happened to me, they just do that lol you’re fine. nothing to worry about 🙂

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