Can you skip Kanji? No. Will you learn them? Yes.

I see so many posts with people asking if they can skip learning kanji, 🤦🏻‍♀️
and the answer is no you cannot. Just because each kanji has a reading that can still be read with hiragana, does not mean the kanji itself is insignificant.

They look super intimidating and endless in the beginning, but that’s because it’s the beginning. You absolutely can learn them with repeated exposure. It’s a learning curve in the beginning, but it becomes a much, much more pleasant experience over time.

Don’t rush it. Learning a language cannot be rushed. You can acquire it gradually with sufficient and consistent practice and exposure.

And if you don’t believe us-us who are constantly explaining this-then just try for yourself. You’ll realize you can’t progress because you can’t read them and will be forced to go back and study them anyway. It’s a language. Don’t fight it. You won’t outsmart it. Just embrace it.

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