Recommended hospitals for lung issue

I have a prolonged cough since I caught Covid a few weeks ago. At first it was aggravating but now my lungs hurt.

Can anyone recommend me a good hospital to go to for this issue?

I’ve been messed around by so many clinics so I’d rather go to a hospital.

Any help would be appreciated!

Forgot to say – I’m in Toride but can travel to Tokyo

  1. Where are you located? Unfortunately you’re probably looking at a while to heal, but there are many inhalers that might ease your symptoms. Usually university hospitals can help you, but are you able to get a letter of introduction from your usual clinic? If not they may refuse an appointment or it may cost more to see a hospital doctor. (¥10,000+)

    If you live in Tokyo [here]( is a list of clinics that specifically are handling long COVID. In Japan it’s said コロナ後遺症. My coworker sees patients at Juntendo University Hospital, but you need a letter (紹介状) that explains how long since you were infected and what treatments you tried already. A few weeks may be too soon to get treatment at a university hospital, but you can call and ask them!

  2. A university hospital would be the right address. Can you get a referral letter from your local doctor?

  3. Your **lungs** hurt?? You likely mean your chest muscles hurt because you have been coughing so much. COVID cough takes weeks, sometimes months, to go away. Best thing you can do is try to suppress the coughing yourself so you don’t end up with the pain you are experiencing now.

    If you really want to go to a hospital over this, find a large university hospital or other large hospital. I’ve often seen *St. Luke’s International Hospital* in Tokyo recommended but have never been there myself. It is most likely that you will be prescribed cough suppressants that will help you avoid coughing, essentially what I described in paragraph one but using drugs instead of willpower.

  4. I went to a lung / asthma expert and turned out after COVID I got asthma. Got different medicine (inhalers) which helped with severity of symptoms.
    Good luck.

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