Looking for a furigana app to use for iPhone

My family in Japan uses LINE to communicate but I can’t read kanji. Is there an iPhone app that can quickly add furigana while using the LINE app? I would prefer to stay in the LINE app, but if copying and pasting is the only option on iPhone then is there an app recommendation for that? Thank you!

  1. the dictionary app that i use, “imiwa?”, has an “analyze” mode where if you paste in a sentence it will give you furigana and a translation of individual words. Not 100% accurate but fairly good. Big download though because it comes with the whole 1gb database. But worth it. Prob won’t find one integrated with Line but maybe worth looking.

  2. I don’t know of an app that will add furigana to Line, but the [Nihongo app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nihongo-japanese-dictionary/id881697245), a dictionary, has a copy and paste function that will then give you furigana and meanings for pasted text. Imiwa has this too but I think the Nihongo is better these days. I use it all the time for this purpose. I would also recommend the LINE Japanese-English translation bot if you want a decent translation of what’s sent to you.

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