Heat Mitigation, which neck coolers/fans aren’t junk?

I am looking for suggestions as to what wearable heat mitigation devices (coolers/fans etc) are recommended. Amazon and Rakuten are flooded with options, but I am looking for a good, not necessarily cheap, options.

The heat hit me hard today. I stayed super hydrated, wore airism and linen, I’ve lost weight (186cm/80kg), but still I felt just exhausted. This summer it’s hitting me harder.

  1. This morning I saw a young lady in otherwise fashionable OL attire wearing a plain white fan-cooled vest.

  2. I was just scrolling amazon, but concerned about neck problems after those fans. Is it safe?

  3. I bought one of these a few years ago.
    Deal of the day for Prime Members: TORRAS Coolify Neck Cooler, Cooling Plate, Neck Fan, Semiconductor Cooling, Up and Down Blowing, Heatstroke Prevention, 3 Levels of Freely Adjustment, Neck Fan, Portable Fan, Type-c Charging, 4,000 mAh Capacity, Black https://amzn.asia/d/euKDxK1
    Pretty happy with it. It disagrees with my beard a bit, which is pretty full. I work inside, but at times the rooms I am in are around 30. At those times I will use that, or I will tuck ice packs in handkerchiefs and wrap that around my neck under my collar. I am never in such a situation for more than 90 minutes, and then it is back to “the refrigerator”, which is the nickname my office has earned.
    I have used that Coolify outside at BBQs and drinking parties. The cooling plate works, and it is an interesting conversation piece as well. I just don’t use it as often these days as I get tired of my beard getting snagged when I turn my head.

  4. As someone that works outside for most of the day I can say the only thing that stops getting heatstroke is a good fan jacket/vest. Most of the other folk that work outside in our village also wear them, the people that don’t inevitably end up with a visit to hospital.

    Might look a bit odd when you stroll into a shop but look at how many workmen/craftsmen are also wearing them. You can vary the fan speed so it’s less noisy when you go inside a shop but to be honest who cares.

    Don’t bother with the cheaper ones, go with someone like バートル (Burtle). They have a good product range and will last well compared to the cheap Chinese ones. I would advise getting 2 jackets/vests or more so while one is washing you have the other one to wear. The newer Burtle fans are waterproof so can be washed or worn when it’s raining (light rain not torrential downpours).

    The inside of Burtle jackets/vests have an aluminium layer to reflect heat from direct sunlight which helps to protect your from the sun.

    Starting to see more and more folk supplied with corporate branded jackets and even ordinary workers seem to be adopting them.

  5. Look at workman’s line of cooling stuff. It’s what most of the construction/outdoor workers wear and is inexpensive and reliable relative to it’s competition.

  6. I’ve been seeing people wear those ice-pack-like neck cooler thing, is that useful?

  7. I really love the cooling towels. You hold them under water, wring them out and whenever you shake them, they magically turn really cool. They’re great for cooling your neck, wrists and face and it’s literally just a towel/scarf that you can take anywhere. They sell them at 100 yen shops, but I’ve found the quality isn’t great, so I recommend the slightly more expensive ones, e.g. sold at Cainz or online, as they get even cooler (thicker and I guess better material).

  8. I literally use a spare deepcool PMW computer case fan connected to an adapter and stand it on my desk facing me and I think its hip as fuck lol

  9. Adding onto this, buying the supermarket salt replenishment tablets for sports and hot weather is helpful. Coconut water or adding some sports drinks to your water will keep you going.

  10. I have this one from “thanko”, which I bought in Akihabara. I bought it because I had seen since construction workers using it. It works very very well, both at chilling me off, and also at repelling the opposite gender.

  11. You are the exact size/ weight as me, (mind you my fat % is currently 15 so I don’t know if that is different). My suggestion is no fans. I’ve been here 4 years and am now acclimatised. You will get used to it dude. Ah and now it’s rain season, no cotton, it’ll stick to you like shit on a blanket.

  12. I suggest those portable waist clips fans that you insert under your clothes if you don’t want to go all out for the fan jackets.

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