Satoshi Kojima on Twitter: “On June 25th, if I had beaten CM Punk, I would have fought Joe at this time. It’s my dream to fight Joe. I hope that someday it will come true.”

Satoshi Kojima on Twitter: “On June 25th, if I had beaten CM Punk, I would have fought Joe at this time. It’s my dream to fight Joe. I hope that someday it will come true.”

  1. I would absolutely love to see that match. I don’t watch ROH – not a knock on it before I’m downvoted, I just already have enough wrestling subscriptions without the time to watch everything – but I’d subscribe to Honor Club for this alone.

  2. I just think it’d be funny if elbowing people in the dick would become his thing stateside

  3. Matches like this and Cole/Lawlor are the type of matches I want to see filling the undercard of crossover shows as we go forward

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