What’s going on with GABA after it was bought out by Nova?

I worked at GABA for many years a long time ago and I remember at my studio most of the teachers had a full schedule. The staff was really nice, too. Despite some issues here and there, you could make over 300k if you worked on weekends as well.

Recently, after speaking to a few teachers from there, I’ve heard horror stories. Just out of curiosity, how bad is it?

  1. I heard a lot of Japanese GABA staff were laid off. Of course it’s the same with Nova independent contractors, but with the new QII (qualified invoice issuer) laws, GABA is making everyone sign up or not be recontracted, which is a 10% pay cut for everyone.

  2. My friend is on the fence about signing up again with them because of that pay cut.

  3. One of my best friends, who’s been working at GABA for years now, has said it’s very different. Lots of folk have been layed off, the pay system has changed and he’s under the impression that a wage increase is basically out of the question from hereon in.

  4. I work at GABA. There’s a lot of changes going on. Currently a lot of LSs are being converted into multi-use spaces. We believe they want to shove Nova, Gaba, and a cram school into one space.

    As for client demand, things obviously took a hit during covid. Then after the NoVA buy out, the quality has gone down and the prices have gone up, so people are less confident with using GABA’s services.

    There’s a lot of uncertainty on both the instructors and client sides. The one thing for certain is that instructors are being screwed over because of the QII situation.

  5. Before GABA opened their LS in the early 00s, they made teachers in the old system schools reapply and interview for new positions. After hearing the new contract conditions, most teachers decided not to take the new jobs offered. At the time, working eight full hours, five days a week plus sales bonus got me 400-450k a month take home. In the new system, it would barely reach half of the amount.

  6. Are you saying you’d only make 300k if you worked 7 days a week? That sounds terrible, to be honest.

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