

by u/BVIRALofficial in sushi

  1. That looks like a maggot. Thinking it was laid by a fly and probably not a worm that came from fish. Either way, I hope OP booed out of there without paying and alerted the proper authorities. Hell nawh!

  2. This happened to us once back in the day with some takeout. Looked in the rice container and it was moving.

  3. I’d report that to my state Health Inspector. That might be the tip of the Iceberg in health issues at this establishment. Some states in US you can access inspection records. Time to find a new Sushi location.

  4. that’s a maggot which means the food was rotten. as flies only lay eggs in spiked rotting food. I’ve had the horrible experience of finding a worm in my sushi and it was almost as thin as a hair and translucent.

  5. I am a sushi chef and this is impossible in restaurants.
    I am 120% sure this video was captured long after(at least days) the plate was kept in room temperature.. The sauce was really bad and the flies gather on the sushi because they really like the smell of vinegar… This guy really liked to get lot of attention by making this intentional disgusting video…

  6. Oh god. I’ve had so much sushi and I wonder if I just haven’t looked close enough to see this. 🤢

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