Paying student loans with a Japanese salary


I plan to do a Master’s in sports in Japan. I have no way of paying for it without a loan. I am trying to get a scholarship but I want to be prepared for the worst.

Covering my Master’s and my living expenses would total up to around 3.000.000 yen. I will make some of this back with a part time but that can only go so far. All in all I will probably still be missing like 2.000.000 yen by the end of my studies. With interest I will probably have to pay around 4.000.000 as a whole.

Can I realistically recover from this without having to ruin my life or pay for the next 20 years?

I plan to work in Japan after my studies so we would be talking about an average salary by Japansese standards. If somebody knows what the salary if a coach is it would be even better. I might go for getting a coaching job or I might not, it would depend on my level of Japansese by then but we can take that for reference, if not maybe a physical education teacher.

If you know any solution to make everything easier by all means please tell me, even if it is a scholarship that you know I should look into, maybe I’ve missed it.

Thank you!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Paying student loans with a Japanese salary**


    I plan to do a Master’s in sports in Japan. I have no way of paying for it without a loan. I am trying to get a scholarship but I want to be prepared for the worst.

    Covering my Master’s and my living expenses would total up to around 3.000.000 yen. I will make some of this back with a part time but that can only go so far. All in all I will probably still be missing like 2.000.000 yen by the end of my studies. With interest I will probably have to pay around 4.000.000 as a whole.

    Can I realistically recover from this without having to ruin my life or pay for the next 20 years?

    I plan to work in Japan after my studies so we would be talking about an average salary by Japansese standards. If somebody knows what the salary if a coach is it would be even better. I might go for getting a coaching job or I might not, it would depend on my level of Japansese by then but we can take that for reference, if not maybe a physical education teacher.

    If you know any solution to make everything easier by all means please tell me, even if it is a scholarship that you know I should look into, maybe I’ve missed it.

    Thank you!

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  2. You have the cart before the horse. Why worry about ***paying*** student loans when your first concern needs to be ***getting*** a student loan.

    There are effectively *zero* options for foreigners to get student loans in Japan. If you can’t afford to study in Japan without a loan, then studying in Japan is not really an option for you.

    To address some of your other questions:

    >I might go for getting a coaching job

    Do you speak Japanese? Demand for non-Japanese-speaking coaches is effectively nonexistent. And that tiny bit of demand is going to be for positions with *extensive* experience.

    Long and short of it is that unless you speak fairly fluent Japanese you’re not going to be finding a coaching job fresh out of a master’s.

    >if not maybe a physical education teacher

    See above, but doubly or triply so. Getting a job in the Japanese school system as a foreigner is even more effectively impossible than getting a coaching job without speaking Japanese.

    You could look at international schools, but [as you were told]( in r/teachinginjapan you would need a teaching license from your home country plus teaching experience (also in your home country).

  3. Man there are soooo many holes in this plan I dont even know where to begin…

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