Moving japan maybe long term

Hello got s couple question, mostly if this is a good idea or not.

My plan so far is to go study japanese there for a year or more and after that maybe apply for a different visa or a extension if i want to study more.

I work as a freelance artist so i would be able to continue working there remotely and money would go to my home bank account so i think all would be cool on that? i mention this cuz i read on another post that looking for a job while being there on student visa is visa fraud but my intention is to go study japanese there but mantaining my regular work to continue having income while there.

After the 1+ years i would like to apply for a job there or other type of visa (or maybe i go back i am not sure yet) but is this good idea or good plan? with what ive searched i fit on the economic checklist to go there.

As for cultural differences would like to know if other latin American people have moved there for long term, if they like or would like to leave japan. what should i avoid when moving? or is it way better to just visit up to a month but not really live there?

thanks for your time.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Moving japan maybe long term**

    Hello got s couple question, mostly if this is a good idea or not.

    My plan so far is to go study japanese there for a year or more and after that maybe apply for a different visa or a extension if i want to study more.

    I work as a freelance artist so i would be able to continue working there remotely and money would go to my home bank account so i think all would be cool on that? i mention this cuz i read on another post that looking for a job while being there on student visa is visa fraud but my intention is to go study japanese there but mantaining my regular work to continue having income while there.

    After the 1+ years i would like to apply for a job there or other type of visa (or maybe i go back i am not sure yet) but is this good idea or good plan? with what ive searched i fit on the economic checklist to go there.

    As for cultural differences would like to know if other latin American people have moved there for long term, if they like or would like to leave japan. what should i avoid when moving? or is it way better to just visit up to a month but not really live there?

    thanks for your time.

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  2. You doing freelance work is *working in Japan*, whether for an overseas client or not – you would need the appropriate working visa for it.

  3. >I work as a freelance artist so i would be able to continue working there remotely and money would go to my home bank account so i think all would be cool on that?

    No, you would not be “cool”.

    Unless that money *never comes to Japan* you would still be liable for taxes.

    Freelance work also counts against the 28 hour/week limit on a student visa.

    >i mention this cuz i read on another post that looking for a job while being there on student visa is visa fraud

    The [post you’re referring]( to was someone who had no intention of actually going to school. It’s not fraud to job hunt while you’re studying the language. The OP in the post in question wasn’t planning on studying, they were just trying to game the system.

    >After the 1+ years i would like to apply for a job there

    Do you have a bachelor’s degree? Do you have a marketable skill other than art? Because quite frankly you’re not going to find an art-related job after only a single year of language school.

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