If someone steals something and then they return it are there no consequences?

Long story short, my Switch was stolen. I know exactly who did it. I texted them and they said “don’t worry I’ll return it”. That’s obviously not acceptable so I went to the police station. Police tried contacting them and they ignored the police. Now they police says they’ll handle it.

My question is, if they return my Switch voluntarily to a koban or something does it not count as theft anymore? I’m hoping something will be done but I’m assuming the police will just pat themselves on the back and return my switch.

  1. Someone posted an anecdote here about going to a store, and their young child grabbing something without them noticing. When they realized, they went back to the store to return it, the manager made a big fuzz, called the police and the police took it like a serious crime, made the child cry and everything.

    So yes, it will still be considered a theft. Also, the police is inept.

  2. In short, yes.

    It was one of the strongest cultural shocks for me in Japan. Police get involved and roast the thief but unless they say “yes I stole it” which they don’t nothing happens. Nothing.

    I mean, you are not going to write a theft report and make the crime statistics worse, will you? 🤫

  3. What’s your priority here?

    Do you want your switch back? Or do you want your pound of flesh?

    It sounds like the best solution from your point of view is to get it back, and have nothing further to do with that person.

  4. Fairly sure the only time you can erase a crime if you return the stolen goods to a bank vault.

    although all my legal training is from watching movies.

  5. Are you both foreigners? They’ll probably scold him and not much else. If you’re Japanese then it’s over for him.

    It’s like if the police catch to foreigners boxing up on the street versus a Japanese/foreigner right.

  6. Instead of waiting indefinitely, maybe you can set a deadline and say you want to sell it or something.

    And if the switch still not returned, the intention of not willing to return is pretty clear there. Hopefully with better chance of police of dealing with it.

  7. What prevents them for saying you ‘left it’ and that person is giving it back? Do you own them for their kindness”! Anyway, welcome to Japan!

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