Sunbrella assault – How do you guys deal with it?

Women (especially ba-chans) seem to love to bump into me with their sunbreallas. I think I got pelted like three times while walking to the station.

Every time I see one of those sunbrellas headed towards my face, I just want to slap it out of the air.

What do you guys do to avoid getting assaulted by sunbrellas every time you walk outside?

  1. I use my arm as a static shield to protect my face or if I’m wielding an umbrella myself then yeah, we just joust like someone else already suggested lol.

  2. It’s only happened to me once or twice, but I’ve (relatively gently) batted them back. Most of the time I just take a half step out of the way of any headed toward my eyes.

  3. I’m tall so that shit sometimes almost stabs my eyes. I hate it, especially in busy walkways.

  4. Stiff arm, it’s the only way. I think Dunking on a parasol might be a bit excessive but I’ve considered it

  5. After a while in the country you learn to predict the “attack” and gently shield your face and eyes with your hand. The more inconsiderate and clueless about her surroundings the assilant is, the more force and determination you can administer. No need to apologize for it. However, one must always account for others on her other side that might be hit by the sunbrella when you strike back.

  6. First, I try to spot them from a long distance. So I see them coming. I deviate my trajectory slightly on the left if they are coming toward my right side, at the moment that should be the impact, I tilt my head more on the left side and I bend my knees in anticipation of her lifting up her umbrella to let me through. Usually it works.
    Sometimes it’s not that easy and when I see there is no will to avoid a collision, I directly headbutt the culprit’s umbrella with the SIDE of my head. Using the side is important to protect your eyes. You can even squint a little when you do that, not only it will protect your eyes but it will also make you look intimidating.

  7. Strip off my shirt to reveal my white skin, both to temporarily blind them and assert 美白 dominance.

  8. Just don’t be so tall and then it’s not a problem. Maybe wear shoes with no heels for example

  9. I essentially hold up one of my arms like a boxer covering his face if I see it coming. Sometimes I hold my arm a bit further out than need be so that it properly hits my forearm. I do it to signal to them to be more mindful, but I am not sure if it works.

  10. Challenge them to a children’s card game, and if you win you take away their umbrella.

    I’m sure you’ve seen it on TV

  11. I wear minus 0.25 glasses every time I’m out walking with my wife in the rain. True story.

  12. Slipping.

    I move my head and upper body slightly to the side, often by bending at the knees and waist, to evade incoming punches. It works well against umbrellas. Depending on the situation, I just use hands to shield my face, too.

  13. Wonder if anyone would try screaming あああああ ゙あ ゙あ ゙あ ゙!目がぁぁぁぁぁああ ゙あ ゙!when it happened.

  14. I just put my arm up when I see it coming and gently nudge it away from my face. Seems like a waste of time to try to engineer a solution for this.

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