Reserving a gym to play sports at a school/gym/etc.

Anyone here have reserved for basketball, volleyball, or any indoor sport? Hopefully regularly.

I want to reserve one, but unsure what’s the process nor if the info is from the ward or the school themselves.

  1. Yes-ish, for indoor pickup soccer. However I leaned heavily on a local friend for most of the actual outreach as my Japanese is miserably bad (but improving!). I do know the first step was to know schools that hosted other groups and specifically reach out to those schools during school hours in person (this was pre COVID, phone may be better now?) and ask what the next step would be to utilize their gym. With some compliments sprinkled in we ended up being passed off to a decision maker and I stepped aside from the rest of the process due to language barriers.

    I suggest reaching out to groups (or any similar groups) and asking the owner/coordinator of the group if they could give you any advice. Can offer a coffee/beer as thanks, although I expect most will be happy to reply and turn down any thanks if you ask nicely.

    Good luck!

  2. You don’t have to rent from a school specifically, though you can. City centers, gyms in general (built more or less the same as school gyms), etc. exist in towns and cities. My Inaka gym is 500 yen to rent for a two hour block but if you’re last call, they’ll usually extend the time until close or until someone shows up past your block of time before shutdown.

    The Filipino guys I work with got me super into pickup basketball, so we try to go a handful of times a month.

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