Sapporo-owned Anchor Brewing Company is being liquidated

Sapporo-owned Anchor Brewing Company is being liquidated

  1. What a bummer. I remember discovering Anchor Steam along with Red Hook when craft beer really took off in the Seattle 90’s. Had some good times. Cheers.

  2. Honestly, as a former worker in a major beer distributor, I don’t trust any of the foreign companies buying all the craft breweries besides Modelo who know what they’re doing. Budweiser is bad enough.

    Most good craft beer will skate along fine based on their current consumer base, but if they keep changing aspects that reliable consumers appreciate in an attempt to spread the product, then it’s going to fail. Craft beer can be difficult to transition to mass consumption

  3. Anchor was great but this isn’t Sapporo’s fault. Blame the craft beer dork, who in the quest for the shiny new thing, totally eschews the classics. Especially on the west coast.

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