So I am planning on making an application for studying Japanese, however I first need a free-to-use database for kanji, vacabs and/or grammar. I’d prefer the license to allow any use for the database for free, but even one that would only allow non-monetizied or limited use would be fine. Worst-case scenario, even a license that would only allow personal use would be fine.
So for the ideal format of the database :
First for the kanji, I want each kanji to have : the class, the JLPT level, meaning(s), onyomi, kynyomi. Dividing the kanji into multiple components would also be great.
For the vocabs : JLPT level (including “none”), kanji form, hiragana form, reading (either audio or using symbols to denote the accent like ↑ and ↓), meaning(s), example sentence(s). I’d also prefer multiple readings/writing ways to be considered as separate vocabs.
For the grammar : JLPT level, meaning, way of using, example sentence(s), side notes (e.g : too formal, too unformal, cannot be used in a question…). Also a database for differences between similar grammar would be great.
The longest-running publicly available database (or database set really) is here,
I’m not entirely clear on all the intricacies of the licensing, but you can certainly use it for personal use and more.
You can check the “about” or “data” pages of online dictionaries like jisho, kakimashou, etc. They all tell you what datasets they use.