Company forbids me to wearing shorts 🩳

I’m working in a company that allows casual dressing. Everyone wears anything they want unless it’s super flashy.

Yesterday i got warning that I shouldn’t wear shorts because some higher up saw me wearing it and feel uncomfortable. 🤦‍♂️

It’s fucking 33C+ outside and this morons didn’t put any fans/air conditioners in office.

Edit: I’m dude btw

Edit2: Thanks for every comment/advise. I will definitely measure temperature in the office.

  1. When I just read the title I was like, “yeah, of course. That’s an obvious unwritten rule in Japan. No one wears shorts at work.”

    But then I actually ready your post.

    > It’s fucking 33C+ outside and this morons didn’t put any fans/air conditioners in office.

    Holy cow. It’s also an obvious unwritten rule in Japan that every office has aircon. Even when I first got here, everywhere at least had fans. I’d think with the weather we’ve been having lately and no aircon, they’re lucky you showed up to work at all.

  2. My former boss said that khakis are ok but shorts is a big no.

    But yeah I agree and they just open the window

  3. Can you just wear some leggings underneath? Like some Airism or something? That seems to be common here. Your office situation sounds awful but as long as your legs are covered it should be considered okay right?

  4. > It’s fucking 33C+ outside and this morons didn’t put any fans/air conditioners in office.

    This is a safety hazard, putting the employees at risk of heatstroke.

    The Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (article 606) states, “Employers shall take appropriate measures to control temperature and humidity, such as air conditioning, heating, and ventilation, in hot, cold, or humid indoor workplaces that may be harmful.’

    If your company refuses to install AC in this weather, they will be liable for damages if any employees suffer ill health as a result. You need to request your company to install AC, and if they refuse, you can visit the Labour Standards Office who will remind them that they have an obligation to do so.

  5. Shorts are unprofessional, but then so is no aircon, so wearing shorts seems like an appropriate response.

  6. Would wearing a skirt be permissible?

    Yes, you’re a guy. But they can be pretty comfortable, and not as warm as pants.

    The alternative would be something in between? 3/4 pants that end just above, or below your knees.

  7. tbh I think most dress codes are draconian and infringe on personal choice, but never really gave it much thought till I moved here and saw the hordes of zombies in their cheap suits

  8. Go to the office in steteco pants. All jokes aside, they lost their moral right to complain when they forced you to work in an office without aircon. I would consider reporting them (anonymously) for your own comfort and health and of those around you.

  9. As others have said, make sure your office temperature is in the government-stipulated range. Assuming they keep it at the edge of the range, I’d invest in some lightweight linen pants.

  10. We had a redditor fight for and win the right to wear shorts at work, but, for the life of me, I can’t find the thread nor recall his shorts-based username.

    I think the story was relayed in various weekly threads which is why I can’t find it.

  11. What type of company and what role are you doing? Absolutely bizarre that there’s no air conditioning or fans. But maybe you’re in some sort of facility where that wouldn’t make sense? Unless you’re up on a mountain or in Hokkaido, the warm, sticky weather here lasts well into September and I can’t imagine a company not installing air conditioning. Maybe we’re missing some critical information?

  12. At the workplace bare legs are considered “dirty”. Even for women wearing skirts most have to wear tights. You could try ice pants or cool touch pants.

  13. Wear capris.

    Then each day slowly fold the cuff higher and higher and see how far you can go.

  14. uncomfortable with someone wearing shorts, how? the only way i can rationalize this is if your shorts are at mid thigh and your balls are hanging out.

  15. 7/8ths lengths pants with thin fabric, slightly loose to let air flow up your legs. Not a solution,i know, but better than nothing. Your company is inhuman.

  16. If you were a girl, you could wear a short skirt and they sure as hell wouldn’t mind.

    Hah! The gender stereotype they still hold on to…

    Hey…. What if you come in tomorrow in a short skirt?? or even better: a traditionally worn Kilt!

    Now THAT would get them going, I’m sure of it!

  17. Get some airism undershirt, and some summer long pants, usually very thin.

    Also, what I do in mine, since the dress code is casual “as long as it reflect the company right” is come in short and keep a pair of more business oriented pants in my drawer I can put on in 30 secs if there is someone coming from outside the company.

  18. The freedom of casual wear sounds so nice… I have to wear a three piece almost everyday. I’m lucky to sometimes not have to wear a vest ;_;

  19. Currently wearing shorts and a short-sleeved dress shirt as a Business Director and only foreigner at a manufacturer 😁

    It’s my way of internationalizing (which doesn’t always go down great but let’s other employees take baby steps towards more casual attire)

  20. My company also forbids: shorts, miniskirts, sleeveless shirts/tank tops, flip-flops.

    Anything else is ok. Some people wear band T-shirts.

  21. I’ve been told something similar in regard to my wardrobe. We’re having the hottest summer ever and I decided to ignore what I’ve been told. They can either fire me or live with it. I’m not going to suffer because someone feels “uncomfortable” due to seeing a little skin. Stupid rules will be ignored, unless I have absolutely no other choice for whatever reason. That said, if they’d _actually_ threaten to fire me, I might reconsider… after all, my Visa is tied to the job. Shit. But I’m definitely willing to see whether they actually escalate it to that level.

  22. Its your calves , meet us at r/moreplatesmoredates so we can help you work on them , by the time we are done with your boss will tell you to come to work in your speedos

  23. At my previous workplace, they allow casual dressing but no shorts too. I raised the concern of summer being too hot to be on trousers to our manager and she told me that short are a bit too informal and but told me of a workaround.

    Since they were pondering to diversity I can just wear a skirt to work.

    So I did. Not really a skirt but a kilt. Soon my peers followed.

    They still don’t allow shorts to this day but kilts are still ok.

  24. You should report your company to the Labour department for not having any aircon or fans in the office

  25. I think it’s stupid that a person can’t wear shorts to work, but I have never worked a full-time position with a company in the US or Japan that permits employees to wear shorts.

    I would be tempted to tell the bosses that my actions were in response to the company’s ridiculous lack of temperature controls in the office.

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