Family mart bagging policy?

I have a co-worker who is having an issue. He bought a few things at a family mart, went to pay, and when asked if he wanted a bag, he said ‘no, I have one’, and then placed his eco bag on the counter.

Here’s the ‘issue’: the staff member just stood there, and my co-worker just stood there. He expected the konbini staff to pack his stuff, but she obviously didn’t/wouldn’t. This situation has happened 2 times before today’s episode with the same person, according to him. The only reason why he didn’t stay any longer was because he had work to get to.

He’s pretty insistent that it’s the staff member’s job to pack his stuff. His reasoning is that almost everywhere else places items into the eco bags supplied by customers. Also, if he actually said yes to wanting a bag, staff usually put the items in that bag. Tbh this isn’t such a big deal, but the co-worker is RAGING about this. I and other coworkers are like, this is not the hill to die on, but he is VERY upset that this konbini staff member essentially refuses to pack his goods.

So, er, are konbini staff meant to place goods in a bag you already have? Everyone in my office kinda needs some closure on this.

  1. ???

    Nowhere in Japan do they pack anything for you anymore, at least the past 2-3 years. Your coworker is whack

  2. Ehhh I think your friend is a bit outta line. I almost always bring an eco bag and I always hold it and wait as if I’ll bag it myself/start bagging it myself and sometimes the staff will see and offer to bag it for me, but I’d say it’s probably about 25% of the time or less that they offer. Usually it’s at drug stores or some places like kaldi, rarely at conbini.

  3. At Lawson, there is a sign saying due to Covid, if you bring your own bag you have to pack it yourself. If you buy a conbini one then they’ll pack it for you. Assuming Family Mart is the same.

  4. No worker in Japan is going to touch someone’s dirty old meat-juice-stained eco bag. If you bring a bag, you pack it yourself.

    If they just simply looked around at other customers, they would see that is the convention here.

  5. I get them to do it. Say “onegaishimasu” and indicate the bag and they do it. That’s because I also have to handle the cash payment machine, sticking bills and coins in, tapping buttons and collecting the change. If I’m expected to do both it doubles the time while the staff member stands there like a mannequin watching it all go down. It’s a rudeness to customers waiting behind me to have me do the entire process needlessly by myself and delay their turn unnecessarily.

    (People on here loath anyone who gets the combeni staff to help with the bag so I post this in the full knowledge I will be downvoted to oblivion but facts is facts).

  6. At my local My Basket, they always bag for me, but everywhere else does not. Maybe different company policies?

  7. Seriously? Your coworker sounds like narcissistic asshole. If they are not going to pack it, I would have no problem just doing it myself. Those workers don’t get paid enough to deal with man children.

  8. Sheesh what a coworker you have. Some people do pack the items for you but its not like that’s a required part of the job

  9. They never pack your bag, only the store plastic ones. If i have a bag I always grab the stuff and put it in my bag. Grocery stores like my basket will take your bag and put the groceries inside for you.

  10. I no longer use eco bags, but when I did, it was generally a DIY situation. Now that covid is “over”, I’ve seen some staff bag it, and some that don’t. I don’t know what the official policy is, though. You coworker seems a bit… uptight.

  11. Your coworker is a fucking moron and I hope he gets deported.

    I don’t care if he’s Japanese, I still hope he gets deported.

  12. Why would someone get so mad about something so small? That’s the real issue here.

  13. Your coworker has issues…

    That being said, some supermarkets do offer to pack your eco bag, but I’ve never encountered a convini that does it for you.

  14. What is the problem by doing it yourself? I always pack the items in my bag by myself. The cashier scans an item and I immediately put it in my bag and then I pay. It doesn’t take that much more time.

  15. Very UN-Japanese way to think. No Japanese person would pitch a baby fit over the bagging.

    If the person bags stuff into my eco-bag that’s nice . . . and they often do. If the person doesn’t, one just puts the couple of convenience items in the bag and that’s it. No one is doing a giant shopping run there anyway.

    Why go around looking for friction? My daily happiness and secret to mellow long Japan Life is achieved by reducing the million micro-frictions in any way ai can . . .

  16. I’ve thought about this issue a lot and I think I’ve come to a conclusion after some serious heavy thought.

    Your co-worker is a prick.

  17. Why make a fuss? Very UN-Japanese way to think. No Japanese person would pitch a baby fit over the bagging.

    If the person bags stuff into my eco-bag that’s nice . . . and they often do. If the person doesn’t, one just puts the couple of convenience items in the bag and that’s it. No one is doing a giant shopping run there anyway.

    Why go around looking for friction? My daily happiness and secret to mellow long Japan Life is achieved by reducing the million micro-frictions in any way I can . . .

  18. If they didn’t offer, pack that shit yourself instead standing there wasting everyone’s time.

  19. I always plan to pack my own bag. Sometimes the cashier takes it and packs it for me, but I don’t count on it.

  20. Usually the worker will only pack the conbini bag.
    When it comes to the eco bag, they only do it if you need help (old, holding baby etc).

    I also find it depends on the age of the conbini worker. The university/high school kids don’t give a crap where as the older workers will more likely pack your eco bag as service.

  21. Ex-konbini staff here. I usually ask if they want me to pack their stuff. Asking costs nothing and it will never go wrong. If the customer themselves start packing up after they done with the payment, or after I scan the item they ask “can I pack it?” they’re very welcome to do so.

    Reminds me of that one time I have to pack an ecobag that reeks of cigarette, old rotten meat, dirty socks. Damn. Wash your ecobags, people.

  22. your co-worker sounds like an entitled prick tbh. just put the stuff in the bag, how is that a big deal to him…

  23. Your coworker is wrong.

    If you bring your own bag, you pack it yourself.

    This is the case anywhere in the world.

  24. Is your coworker a child? Sounds like a moron.

    I always assume I have to pack it myself if I use my own bag. There’s only one conbini I go to regularly that asks me if I would like help bagging the items and that’s usually asked by the same person each time.

    It’s probably a store by store basis kinda thing and depends on how that store is run.

    Still, your coworker needs to learn not to be such a cry baby.

  25. This has been quite enjoyable to read and I thought I’d add some things/sum up so far:

    1) I am not the coworker.
    2) He is a genuinely good person, which is why we were a bit surprised by his feelings about, er, bagging.
    3) Pretty sure he’s been here at least 20 years?
    4) Now that I think about it, the stores that he mentioned where he does get his eco bag filled with shopping are drug stores. Maybe that’s a policy with them in general?
    5) The consensus seems to be that he shouldn’t expect his eco bag to be packed at a konbini. He’s not going to be a happy bunny on this.

    Thanks for the comments!

  26. … I feel like your co worker might be the type who rubs his eco bag all over his balls.

  27. I don’t quite understand why everyone in your office needs closure on this.

    Do you also need that?

    Perhaps you need to find something more meaningful to care about?

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