When the company screws up, is it custom in Japan to give something nice to the customer as a sign of good will?

What is japanese custom in the case a company screws up badly. Will they hand out good will tokens, such as vouchers, upgrades, price reductions? Or is this a no no?

In may case japanese air lines screwed up a simple refund, after sending more than 30 emails over the span of more than 4-5 months they still have not managed to refund me my ticket in full and as Hiroko the person on the other end is hinting, they are not planning on refunding anything beyond the absolute minimum of what they are legally obliged to pay. so no matter how long this draws out, they will give nothing. Is this normal or just JAL?


  1. Generally no. In my experience, they will fix the issue and offer an apology of varying sincerity, but not offer any compensation.

  2. Refunds are not a thing in Japan. What is a thing is maybe not communicating this directly to you in a way that you understand it. Those 30 emails might be beating around the bush but in their minds “this guy just doesn’t get it.”

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