Is it okay to ask my new employer for my schedule?

Hello all,

This is more of an etiquette question.

I’ve recently been hired to start working a part time job, though I have yet to begin actually working there.

I went in to do paperwork on Monday, and was told I would receive my schedule around yesterday, but I still haven’t yet.

The problem is, I’ve started to have friends asking for specific days to make plans, but due to not knowing when I will be on the clock, I’ve had to delay people (Even people that are here for a limited time only)

Id like to message my employer, saying that I have friends waiting so I’d like to ask for my schedule (maybe by saying this I’ll at least be able to secure a couple specific days for the remainder of the month), but I’m not sure if this would be considered bad practice in Japan (Tokyo, more specifically)

If anyone has some advice, I’d be happy to hear it

  1. You don’t need to tell the truth about your friends.

    Just simply tell that you need to plan your own schedule and knowing in advance your shift would help you a lot. Normally they should let you know without issues.

  2. This to me is a red flag. Not a good start from a company, very unprofessional.

  3. Don’t mention anything about hanging out with friends. Just say you need to know your work schedule.

    Not knowing your schedule sounds like an English school. So it means they probably don’t know your schedule and are going to try to ‘sell’ you to students until the last minute. Don’t be surprised if you have a start date and nothing else

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