Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for ADHD?

Tried to look it up, but all the threads were old, so I decided to ask again.

Basically, five years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD here in Japan. I’ve tried all the meds available here, but none are helping with my primary issue of executive dysfunction.

Particularly in the past 6 months, it’s becoming a real issue. Internationally CBT is a common treatment for ADHD, but all the old threads seem to say that CBT not covered by insurance except for cases of PTSD, eating disorders etc., and I can’t seem to find anything that addresses it with ADHD.

Ideally, I’d like to find a practitioner here in Tokyo (not that Burger guy and is pseudonyms of course), but does anyone have any insight or experience, insurance-wise or doctor-wise.

  1. Just FYI, what I heard in a presentation is that CBT is only effective in conjunction with meds, so I would recommend against dropping meds even if you find something.

    It might be worth asking a psychiatrist about this directly? Or contacting mental clinics through the contact forms to see if some strategy is available. Or even something online with a US-based doctor?

  2. Try swimming in the ocean once a week, or surfing or diving. The salt water does miracles for adhd. No meds necessary

  3. Executive functioning can be a skill deficit issue in part. Would make sense drugs aren’t helping exactly how you would like it to. There are actually many good YouTube Sensei (how to ADHD) you can use in the mean time while you find the support you’re looking for.

    Some simple intentional skill development time can get you started.

    Hope you find what you’re looking for!

  4. Which medications have you tried? I was diagnosed in the UK and methylphenidate helps significantly, although my day-to-day functioning was feasible my performance in work/academia is leagues apart. I.. however still need to figure out how to transfer my prescription over to 日本…

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