Likelihood of failing an apartment application due to a phone interview?

I have applied for an apartment in Tokyo via an English-language real estate agent. I speak conversational Japanese with friends, though I am uncomfortable with business settings and especially phone calls (in any language, tbh, because I often struggle to understand people on the line). I just got the call from the management firm in Japanese and since I was startled at work, I think I was really incoherent and had little idea what was going on. I was too panicked to even try asking them whether it would be possible to switch to English. My real estate agent even informed me that this landlord does not require any Japanese skills.

Now I am really worried about having left a bad impression. I had all my documents ready, I work full-time and earn more than three times the rent of the apartment. What are the chances of getting rejected due to an awkward interview?

I just really can’t wait to move to a permanent place and stop using airbnbs…


  1. The chances of getting rejected without doing anything wrong as a foreigner are really high, so I wouldn’t sweat about it. Just look at more apartments because rejection is part of the process here.

  2. Usually if they are calling that means you made it to the second level of the application process. Probably means they are seriously considering you. But yeah keep looking anyway, it only can benefit you to keep looking.

    Maybe do some roleplay with japanese friends taking some phone calls. Honestly I feel you on the phone it’s just harder to hear in general. Feel free to do the whole “confirming you meant ______” request, it’s normal for even native speakers to get confused about the subject of the sentence as it’s often implied.

  3. Next time rather than stressing, just say yes, yes, yes, and thank you in Japanese and you’ll have passed the screening interview. They are literally just asking your name and details.

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