Job offer from Yaruki after only one interview.. should I be worried??

I’ll keep this short, but I recently interviewed with Yaruki Switch Group, and after one interview on Skype and waiting for about 3 weeks, I was offered a position at their WinBe branch.

Since it would be my first job in Japan, I’m a little unsure, and I figured there would be more than one interview?? I interviewed for Amity a couple of months ago and went through two stages of interviews and a demo lesson.

I’m really wondering if this is normal? Should I be worried?

  1. WinBe is a chain Eikawa school, so they are legit. There was a woman in my city who posted recently about a job opening and trying to find her replacement. She worked for them for several years, so it must have been okay.

  2. One thing you should understand about Yaruki group is that you won’t be teaching English; you’ll be babysitting. If you are interested in learning teaching, this is not the company to work for.

    Otherwise, they are a typical corporate language school, with all that entails.

  3. It might be that you should be worried… but not because of the one interview.

    A lot of companies do two+ stage interviews, but it’s by no means universal. In fact, IIRC most of my two-stage interviews have been for entry-level positions at mediocre chains. Any job where I got paid a decent salary gave me an offer within hours of my first interview.

    I don’t know anything about WinBe and I don’t know if their name should set off red flags, but you should view your interview success as a success. Congratulations!

    But also as a general rule, watch your back in this industry.

  4. I hear a lot about people jumping to a different job after just a few months at Yaruki.

  5. I work at WinBe and I enjoy my job. There’s no diaper changing, although you’d work with small kids (4+). Management could be better, but the reality of working in a Japanese company is that you’ll always be a foreigner. The training is decent and there’s some support when needed. I wish I were paid more, but it’s close to industry standard.
    As for your concerns about speed, I know that the pandemic made it hard to recruit and they had a spate of flakey people. To be honest, my friends who quit probably could’ve done better if they didn’t come to Japan just for Japan.
    If you stay three plus years, you’d likely get seishain, which is rare.
    Hope this helps. I can answer more specific questions if you have any.

  6. If it’s with KidsDuo STAY AWAY. Upper management is toxic and discards random staff on the basis of race.

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