Weekly Praise Thread – 14 July 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. Finally over my to tonsillitis and back to work. It was so boring just sitting in my apartment alone for 7 days.

  2. The highlight of my week is the fact that today is Friday. Had a rough week so I’m REALLY looking forward to the 3-day weekend.

    I’m looking forward to just resting at home (I’m a bit sick)

  3. I’ve been having a laugh at the mental instability unfolding on HelloTalk. It’s full of dating complaints, some of which are valid or just lack of experience, but a large chunk are complaints about creepy foreigners or complaints about dates/SOs not meeting absurd expectations because the complainant is insecure, shallow, and self-absorbed. Then you get to see them blow up sometimes in the comments when someone calls them out on it lol. There’s one character who’s practically the Japanese version of whatsherface writer from Sex and the City.

  4. Moved out of our apartment on the 10th. Went back on the 12th to 立ち合い the gas cutoff and hand over the keys. We had applied to leave on the 12th almost 2 months ago, and set up the appointment in advance.

    Landlord, unprompted, offered to pro-rate the July rent until the 10th instead of the 12th, saying it was もったいない to pay until the 12th even though we weren’t there.

    Also doesn’t seem like he will be difficult about cleaning or the security deposit. Cleaning guy came with him, took pictures, and neither of them mentioned any problems.

    My wife said he always seemed like he was in a bad mood whenever she talked to him on the phone, but he might actually be the nicest and most cooperative landlord of all time?

  5. I’ve gotten to the point in my career that I don’t really have to prepare for presentations in English or Japanese anymore, and I barely feel any nervousness while speaking even with minimal prep beforehand. it is also a little bit relieving to know that I can make high schoolers laugh *with* me, rather than *at* me (…I think, one can never be too sure).

    PR department posted mostly flattering photos of me doing the above talk on the company-wide bulletin board.

    weekly IT department update:
    some of them (aside from mr. barista ossan, who I have mostly befriended at this point) will actually make conversation with me and joke around with me now!! I will continue peppering them with snacks and goodwill.

  6. it’s my 2nd year in Kansai and this weekend is my first time going to Gion Matsuri! Crowds are gonna be a woozy, but I’m excited all the same. Gonna try to go to each of the Great Festivals once before I leave.

  7. I have a light purple oshima Tsumugi summer kimono which got really grubby and ripped last year and it came back from the cleaner like new

  8. The 11th gen kindle paper white is way faster than the 10th. It’s nuts what a difference it is. I’m very happy with my purchase.

  9. Since starting my new job, I’ve been feeling almost guilty about how cruisy it can be compared to my old job. It’s cause this time around I’m actually working alongside competent people who understand what a reasonable workload looks like. I shouldn’t feel bad, because the reality is that at my old job I got worked to the bone and treated like shit. Feeling like a human being again (and getting paid a lot more at the same time) is just such a hisashiburi thing for me. Yesterday my team got caught up on all our jobs and we spent the last hour just sitting around waiting for home time. It was great.

  10. As much as I hate the heat, every morning when it starts to heat up, it triggers bursts of thunder in the nearby mountains, so it’s like I’m escorting my kids to the car ride to school with artillery fire closing in. Stupid, but it makes me laugh. Me and my son standing in flanking positions at the gate, waiting for mom and daughter “Two more minutes, than we go. They’re getting close.”

    Going to city hall with a formal request for all drains in my block/neighbourhood to be cleared of plant growth and other debris before typhoons start to hit up here. I have a list of volunteers (self included), and it’s just a formality, they know I know ways around every trick in their bureaucratic books. I almost want to drag a different department into it amd ask of that’s a safe level of rust for an awning at my kid’s school.

  11. Another praise from me.

    Music is just so fucking good for me right now.

    Disclosure just dropped a new album out of practically nowhere and it is another genre shift for them. Sounds like sped-up house with almost like some J-pop influence?! I think I dig it.

    I’ve been on a massive trap bender lately and there’s the new Juelz album and Quix EP, isoXO album releasing in like a few days, and Ekali just posted a new Awakening mix which goes hard as shit.

  12. Got confirmation that I received a microgrant to buy a collection of English books for my community! Now comes the hard part of actually pulling it off. I hope my students can enjoy the books, or at least the English club can.

  13. Fought the man for illegal dismissal, they caved in, got full year salary as compensation.

    Was sued for not paying on contract where the contractee(sp?) didn’t finish the job. Judge told him to settle because if he doesn’t, it’s going to be really difficult for him. Judge rehashed my previous settlement offer, he agreed.

    I should be getting a decent offer for a job this or next week, I was told I got the job, just needs some hanko-ing from HR and Finance.

    Also got selected to the final short list for plan B.

    It’s been a good week.

  14. Going on a business trip to the US next week. Mentioned in passing that if possible, I would love to see my family.

    Boss stretched out the trip by 3 days and paid for the domestic flights to get me home. The only condition is that I spend a few hours and show him around downtown Chicago, which is 100% fine by me! I get to see my family for the first time in 4 years, plus if everything goes well on this trip I’ll be looking at a 7 figure (JPY) bonus.

    Damn good for a job I found at Hello Work! (and it was worth the months of unemployment to find it.)

  15. Well, failed an interview but I went through to the final interview in another company.

  16. I never play the two prong claw games because the odds are unfavorable. But finally tried it for the first time, won it under 1000 yen. And the new habanero fried chicken from family mart is dank

  17. I had a scheduled interview hearing next week that I was going to have all of 4 days (including a 3-day weekend) to prepare for, and it suddenly got canceled a couple days ago which is a *huge* relief. Also, this textbook chapter I’m writing is due tomorrow so it’s gonna be over for better or worse.

    Edit: also, huge praise to my wife for helping edit my text despite knowing nothing about the material.

  18. Finally received the big ass 75v tv. No need to go to the theater anymore.

  19. Finally got the will to make some homemade food and eat it too. It’s delicious! Natsubate has been rough so this brightens my day.

  20. I had a cancer scare but my results came back cancer-free! Samples were benign. : )

  21. Met one of my Graduated Students today at the Major Earthquake Drill. Shes in the JDSF now. She said part of the reason was because I am ex-military (she had lots of questions when I first arrived) and because she wanted to help people. Shes also a basic translator for english (Eiken pre1).

    I am SOOOO happy for her! she might be overworked, but she looks like shes havin fun….sometimes. Haha. Im hella proud though. So this Shoutout goes to you, ShotsugyoSei!

  22. A student, who I hadn’t seen in 4 years, dropped by with his Mum and Grandma and they each presented me with gifts, and a hug from Grandma. Apparently they’d heard my Mum passed away a couple of months ago. It was so lovely and unexpected and it’s always nice to see your “kids” grown up, especially as I stopped teaching years ago now.

  23. 1) Started journaling in Japanese a of while back and it’s starting to come naturally! At least it’s flowing.

    2) got a electronic toothbrush and holy shit my teeth have never felt cleaner

    3) nice gym days

    4) contemplating getting Yakuza 0 on Steam

  24. Saw the new Ghibli film. The first half was really incredible, the juxtaposition of gothic theme (dead mom, spooky house, inexplicable happenings) with the usual bright naturalistic palette and soft character designs was so eerie. Second half didn’t maintain that vibe–it went from otherworldly intrusions on this world, to the other side of the looking glass–but it was still good, and the mythos of the otherworld was like a memorial to all of Miyazaki’s previous work.

  25. This week went to renew my visa for the first time (5 years) in Tokyo, reservation was 9:00, I got there 9:01, I was out of there 9:14. That was way better than I used to hear.

  26. I entered the new model car lottery and won! Now I’ll only have to wait a year or so for it to come…

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