Only employee to not receive a bonus. Possible to do something about this.

Hi, I appreciate any advice.

Following situation:

A person very close to me who works at the same comany as I did not receive any bonus this summer. I know that bonus payments are optional and it’s up to the company to give bonus payment or not.

She has been in the company from the very beginning and did received two bonus payments every year. Just as anybody else. Since roughly 3 years ago health state of her has not been very good but improved quite a lot in the last year. She works half a day in the office 3 times a week and the remaining time from home. At the beginning of corona company president said everyone can decide himself if he wants to work from home or not. He has not announced any update on this. And there are still several employees who work from home regulary.

Around 3 years ago when her health got bad and gradually from that on her bonus payment was reduced every year. Even though her health and attendance imporved within the last year quite a lot she did not received any bonus this year. Which is devastating for her since she is really trying her best but feels that she is no longer welcome at the company and a burden to everyone else. We have no system of performance evaluation or anything like this in place. So suddenly not getting any bonus was quite a shock to her. I know for certain that the financial situation of the company is very good and that can’t be the reason for this. Also I received my usual bonus even though I also work from home quite a lot.

Is there any thing that can legally be done about this? Because to me this sound a lot like unequal treatment of employees.


Edit: Thanks at everyone for your opinion on this. Unfortunatly the answers were mostly as I expected. But thank you nonetheless.

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