Who do you predict will fare best from this year’s class of debuting G1 entrants?

Who do you predict will fare best from this year’s class of debuting G1 entrants?

  1. I think Kaito will have the best opportunity because he’s the most likely to make it to the elimination stage.

    He also has more experience as a top guy and main eventer

  2. I think Kaito is making it to the semi finals so kaito.

    Other than that probably Eddie Kingston

  3. Im looking forward to see what War Dogs can do, they bring a certain viciousness that has been lacking in NJPW

    Other than that I think Kaito and Tsuji will do well, Kaito better than any other debutant

  4. I hope Gabe and Coughlin do better than expected, but tempering expectations as this is their first G1 and they don’t have the exposure Umino/Narita/Tsuji have gotten thus far (nor do I expect gaijins to get the push these 3 have gotten).

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