My real estate agent is filling out wrong info

Hey guys, first ever post here. The thing is recently I found a nice apartment and I contacted this real estate agent and and I had to go through the inspection by the guarantor company because I have a Japanese Emergency contact, but no Japanese guarantor thing, so I need to have a guarantor company. When the RE agent asked me about my Japanese emergency contact’s detail info (like annual salary, stuffs), I asked him the reasons back, stating I only had to give contact info (ph no, and address) when I contracted my current house, so I didn’t prepare that info + he isn’t my guarantor after all. Then the RE agent was like oh okay, and without me knowing, he filled out the all the details that I don’t give him (like workplace, annual salary etc) based on my detail info. Basically he filled out that me and my Emergency contact is working at the same company, which isn’t TRUE at all. I didn’t know it back then, but the guarantor company called me and asked necessary questions. Then they mentioned whether my emergency contact’s name who is working at the same company is correct or not. And I was confused, so I gave them the correct answer which is NO. And the guarantor company said “but the info on the application form is filled like my Emergency contact and I work at the same workplace though”. I tried to explain that the one who filled out those form is not me, the RE agent, and that’s wrong info and they were like oh okay. And I haven’t heard anything back from my RE agency, or the guarantor company. Is my application gonna fail..?? 🥺🥺 Is there anything like that happened to you before?shall I contact RE agent and ask him why he did that? And if the application fail, do I need to pay RE agent a certain amount of money( I haven’t paid anything to them as of now.) ??I’m mentally vulnerable, and so overwhelmed right now.. because it’s my first house hunt by myself. So any warm words and advice would be highly appreciated!! Thank you!!

  1. He should have told you that he will fill out everything for you. And on the call you need to say YES. Problem solved.

  2. You do not have to pay anything to a real estate agent unless a contract is signed for you to live somewhere.

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