Japanese girls block me with no reasons

So I was wondering if this happened to other people.
I have Japanese friends , I already got Japanese girlfriends so I don’t think I’m socially weird.

So basically this happened already 3 times.
It was girls that wanted to meet me , and the day we was supposed to meet they would say , find an excuse saying they are sick or whatever and blocking me at same time.

It already happened with someone that I knew personally from my former part time job and 2 other girls met online.

It was always their initiative to meet me, I was not flirty with them or anything. Totally normal conversation and since it was their initiative to meet I really don’t see any reason for them to do that.

Last time it happened was yesterday the girl I knew from former part time job. Was studying abroad and she came back to Japan for summer and she asked me if I was free to meet. So I said yes and we made appointment to meet.
The same day she tell me she is sick and if we can move the appointment to the same day next week so I say no problem . And she never read my message and 2 two days ago I asked her if the appointment was still ok and she blocked me.

The other girls blocked me the morning telling me they was sick.

If I would have said something strange or anything I would not wonder but here I don’t see any reason and it’s them that asked to meet me I don’t understand even more.

First I just thought they was ashamed to cancel at last moment and then they didn’t knowed me IRL it was ok to block me. But now it happened with someone I know IRL.

So I was wondering if it was common ? It’s already happened to someone ? someone know the reason ?

Thank you

  1. I’d say this is super common in Japan and it’s just how things go here. Chalk it up to Japanese indirectness, or people’s lives moving fast in Tokyo or whatever you want. It could be a thousand different things that you’ll never know. Totally normal and expected in my experience.

  2. 3 out of 100? It’s probably normal.
    3 out of 10? something is seriously wrong.

  3. I dont see how this is different than any where else. People cancel and ghost with any reason. This isnt exclusive to Japan.

  4. Bro, not just in Japan but it happened to me in Korea too. This girl grabbed my D#_## on the middle of the street. We went to my place had sex next day she blocked me. I bumped to her on the street and she ignored me. Later, I found out she lied about her age.

  5. Common everywhere, even in SEA countries, consider yourself fortunate to receive a single response.

    That is how a modern-day male lives, just move on.

  6. It’s pretty common here, I even had one girl say she couldn’t meet because she was stuck in a double bass case that was getting transported overseas.

    Yeah, she totally ghosned me.

  7. It’s normal with people you don’t know or don’t know well.

    Either they agreed to meet only out of politeness, changed their mind or something more important came up.

  8. Japanese girls are flakey as and generally being ghosted happens often. They may well have had other offers or someone who was better marriage material lined up.

  9. It is common in Japan like humidity in Japanese summer. Stop stressing or overthinking and move on.

  10. Part of the culture, dont take it too deeply. Happened to me once and it was because i had to cancel our date due to covid. She might have thought i was ghosting her but i legit couldn’t see her cause my Dr thought i might have it. She apparently moved back down south because her grandmother injured herself, saw her in Shibuya a couple months later.

  11. This has happened to my Japanese friend also…so whatever the issue is, it is probably on their side

  12. Japanese avoid any form of confrontation like the plague.

    Basically the rule of thumb is that if the excuse is something that is supposed to make you feel bad for them (ex. My stomachs hurts, my mother is sick etc.) 9 times out of 10 it’s bullshit. So don’t waste your time with them.

    If the excuse is something like “I’m sorry I realized I’m double booked” or “I’m sorry something came up that I have to take care of, can we reschedule?” Or something as simple as “I had a rough week at work and just want to get some rest today.” the they are being honest and will reschedule.

  13. 99% it is likely that she had another date or friend meet up and you got benched. Japanese hate confrontation and hence it is easier to block/ghost then fess up that you were second string on her itinerary.

    Time to move on.

  14. Sounds like you were a candidate, but someone else got the job before you could come in for an interview.

  15. I think some young Japanese women like to have meetings with multiple guys all set up and then they’ll make the final decision to meet or not at the last minute, depending on how they are feeling on that particular day or else depending on the relative potential of the various guys.

    They don’t worry about how the ドタキャンされた guy feels.

    The girls can pick and choose so the guys just have to suck it up.

  16. Here’s the thing about some men(and not implying anything about you or Japanese men or foreign men in particular, but men in general), a lot of them can be vindictive and sometimes violent assholes when confronted with rejection and will often attempt to reject the rejection. It’s simpler and safer for women to just not deal with that. She made her intentions pretty clear, this isn’t a court, you can’t appeal, this isn’t a performance review with your manager she doesn’t need to give you points to improve on. Accept it and move on.

  17. She probably found better plans for the day instead and blocked you. I wouldn’t take it personally tbh

  18. They have options, I assume they are in their 20s. this doesn’t happen with women 35+, I’d say even a whole opposite scenario

  19. Because Japanese girls often say “yes” even if they dont want to go. In general, if they say they want to hang again later, it is only for politeness and they have no intention of doing do. You are never meant to follow up on those comments.
    In general, unless you are underground idol or a host, you should expect to pay for anyone under 30 for their time.

  20. Very common. I remember back when I was single I met up with a first year uni girl from Waseda who really seemed to be into me. We met up a couple of times. Eventually got drunk and made out at Inokashira Park. Messaged me the next morning saying she couldn’t wait to meet me again. We agreed to meet up again and she said that she was sick a couple days before. We rescheduled and she backed out again and said “I’m sick, again”.

    I didn’t bother messaging her for about a month. A month later she messages me and says “Let’s meet up” and I said okay and she said, once again, “I can’t meet up. I’m busy”. We never spoke again.

    These things happen, especially in Japan. It could be for a number of reasons. Just move onto the next one.

  21. Partially cultural, partially happens outside of Japan.

    A lot of people nowadays have trouble meeting in-person in general. When they don’t feel connected enough on any social media, including seeing you post anything, they don’t try to meet in person. They end up feeling too めんどくさいor too anxious.

    I’d say they’re still not worth the time if they don’t put the effort in trying to meet you. Forget them and move on

  22. Yeah it happens, it even happened to me the other way around! I’m a girl and at the time single so I was looking to meet new people, but twice got ghosted. Now I always have to message a day before, and then maybe a few hours before, and if they don’t respond you know not to go.

  23. I remember way back I had a date cancel on the day. She apologized profusely and then sent me a Starbucks coupon. We arranged another date and she didn’t show. I left after 20 minutes. 2 days later she sent me another coupon apologizing profusely saying she was scared to meet a foreigner. I was like cool.

    She wanted to arrange another date and I said sure. I had no plans going and just wanted to score another Starbucks coupon. Lo and behold, a day later I got another apology with a 700yen coupon. I was just like “don’t worry! Please take your time!”. It happened again and then the fifth time I got this message:

    “I’m here. Where are you?”

    My heart jumped. It meant I’d have to start paying for my coffee. I was just chilling at home and about 90 minutes out. Told her to wait and when I got there I could see she was agitated but couldn’t say anything due to the four other times she flaked. It was a fun date overall tbh.

  24. Keep fishing.
    But seriously, men have to work so much harder to get a girl.
    Your odds are low so reach out to more women and pray.

  25. It’s common. Dating is a numbers game and, if you’re in Tokyo, Tokyo has the numbers for people to be able to do that without consequence. I’m sure guys do it too here.

    It IS rude as fuck though, but look at it this way, if a person shows you that side of them before the date even starts they at least saved you some time?

  26. Japanese girl with my take on the situation.

    >and the day we was supposed to meet they would say , find an excuse saying they are sick or whatever and blocking me at same time.

    Girls here *hate* confrontation and will block, ghost, etc. without a second thought.

    I’ve had ~~former~~ friends just straight up tell me about people they were going to meet but blocked at the last minute because they “weren’t feeling it” or whatever. Not a shred of remorse. Most people don’t even see a problem with it.

    Me: “Why even give them your LINE to begin with?”

    Them: “Well, I was interested at first, but then I found someone better, so.”

    But yeah, if you get blocked or ghosted, it’s almost always because they’re seeing multiple people and went with someone else.

    To be fair, some guys **flip the fuck out** when rejected and will say some of the nastiest shit, so I can kind of understand from that angle.

    > The same day she tell me she is sick

    Uh-huh, the most common excuse is catching a “cold” or “the flu.”

    All you can do is shrug and move on. Always be prepared to be ghosted because it can happen with just about anyone, no matter how into you they may seem at first.

  27. Btw, in LINE app there’s a simple way to tell if someone has blocked you or not by trying to share a Theme with them.

    Home → Themes, select any theme and “Send as a gift”, select the person, tap Next. If an error message “they already has this theme” pops up immediately it means they’ve blocked you. There’s a chance they actually have that theme, so in this case just try a different one. They can’t have all the themes.
    On the other hand, If the “Purchase gift” page pops up as usual the they haven’t blocked you.

  28. Welcome to Japan (jk I came here 2 months ago)
    Happened to me too, that person was like ”Oh I wanna go ice skate with you!!!”
    Nothing happened

  29. It has nothing to do with Japan. It’s online dating, she’s probably messaged or is being messaged by loads of guys. Someone else nailed it.

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