Japan delays domestic travel plan after COVID cases surge

Japan delays domestic travel plan after COVID cases surge


  1. If they’re not doing this program for domestic tourism, there’s not a chance in hell they open for foreign tourism. Maybe 2025…

  2. Even with elections behind them promoting domestic tourism right now when we could very well be headed for an all-time high in infections is going to look like hypocrisy to most people.

    Scrap the travel plan but no SoE or Pseudo-SoE would seem to be the wise choice politically

  3. Where I live, people are already getting nervous and not going out again.

    I honestly feel like people need to get on with it. This is not going away and will continue to last in this vicious circle of up and down numbers. Most here are vexed anyway.

  4. I’m sorry if this is common knowledge but can I ask, why is Japan still having such number of cases? It’s summer and for now cases have subsided in most other parts of the world. I mean no disrespect, just trying to understand what is felt to be causing this. I know all countries have cases but japan still seems very worried by this

  5. Does the number of cases still matter? Since the majority of the population is vaccinated and/or recovered, most countries are now focused on the severe cases and hospitalization rates.

  6. Restrictions for what? If it’s not killing 99.9999% of people what is the point.

  7. When are the western countries going to start banning Japanese nationals from coming here? It has become a joke at this point. I am getting sick and tired of watching Japanese people waltz in and out of the UK like they own the place without any restrictions whatsoever. If the Japanese government wants to continuing banning m foreign nationals from entering Japan, then the UK should ban Japanese people from entering the Uk and tell the ones living here to get
    out. You can’t have it both ways

  8. Sigh. I was hoping for some good news after the election for my middle of September trip but I guess not.

    Have already changed some of the trip to South Korea instead and guess I’ll be there longer now. What worries me is that I’m going to Cairns in Australia after and most of the flights from Seoul have a layover in Japan and describe that you have to pass security to transit. I wouldn’t be allowed to do that in Japan with the current rules right?

  9. I’m not sure why this is continuing if there are vaccines. In the UK covid is like a bad dream everyone is living normal life’s again

  10. Guess it’s Korea next year then and I’ll plan for Japan in 2030 at this rate! 🤬

  11. The Japanese have perseverance. They will wait approximately 265 years 😉

  12. Now that the election is behind us, my biggest worry right now is Kishida using the tour group excuse to claim that the country is “open” for international tourism.

    And to everyone saying this is “only” about domestic travel, guess what? We get it. We also realize how unlikely it is for the government to want to open the floodgates to international tourists without first revitalizing domestic tourism, so every delay to the GoTo campaign might as well be another pushback for international tourism.

    I would love to be wrong, but this appears to be the case right now. They’ve said before that domestic tourism is supposed to be a precursor for international tourism (or at least something to that effect).

  13. Cant wait for 2026 when japan finally launches a roadmap for tourism and the opening in 2029

  14. Sigh. Seems international tourism is off the menu for a lot longer, eh? I am already making plans to visit Italy next year and maybe the Netherlands. I set aside $12,000 CAD, studied Japanese to an JLPT N3 level (and a bit more towards N2) and made some[thorough plans for Japan](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/rt72ha/6_week_trip_first_time_in_japan_autumn_2023/), but it doesn’t seem like I’ll get to do any of the things I planned for. I’m not getting any younger and there are tonnes of great countries out there to see.

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