Was very scared to apply again but I have done it !

Last year I was sadly rejected from JET. It was disheartening and I wasn’t going to apply again until just last week I decided to not let one rejection stop me.

I’ve been working with Syrian refugees ever since January 2022 and helping them learn English in the classroom. It’s been pretty rewarding really and I hope I can use this experience on JET (if I get in). ANYWAY, if I don’t get in it’s okay I’ll try again later and do my TEFL in the summer.

Just found out that two of the teachers I’ve worked with closely outside my department also did JET and it’s nice to have someone to talk about it with.

I’m excited and very scared really but let’s GOOO.

I hope for the best for everyone 🙂

  1. Good luck! I got made an alternate on my first attempt in 2015, but didn’t get upgraded. I applied again in 2019, and I made it. When I first applied, I had no teaching experience or experience working in a school. The second time I had both of those things and a CELTA. I don’t necessarily think that those things made me a more desirable candidate, but I think the confidence it gave me showed. Honestly, I think the biggest difference between those two interviews was the change in confidence, though. So confident and be sure to talk about how rewarding you have found your experience!

  2. Good Luck !
    I was a teacher before I left but I was not hired as an ALT but as a CIR !
    Anything can happen !

  3. Best of luck!

    I was rejected after the interview the first time I applied, so I understand how it sucks. Congratuwelldone on finishing your second application. Whatever the outcome, be proud that you’ve been productive and tried again.

    Did the same as you; buckled down and kept pushing – now I’m writing this from Japan 🙂

  4. Don’t let it discourage you! I did’t even make the interview on my first try and second try I made Alternate. I got lucky though and was upgraded few weeks ago, so I am going to Japan in December

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