If you are looking for or making a group for a paticular consulate or location, please post here. Recently, our page is getting a little crowded with threads for very specific discord servers. I’m going to lock the current ones and while this megathread is active, I’ll be deleting any new ones!
For PH JET 2023: You may send me a message. I’ll instruct you what to do.
Canada Discord: https://discord.gg/vEyr5hge (updated May 20, 2023)
Started with the previous intake and open to anyone from any of the Canadian consulates 🙂 (technically open to anyone, though, haha)
DC discord: https://discord.gg/AQnZ7VAF
Miami discord?
Detroit discord: https://discord.gg/sDKz2fGp
Los Angeles Discord: https://discord.gg/YXYp7dhGdE
nashville consulate discord! https://discord.gg/SSwtApsp
Atlanta discord?
Is there a Boston discord?
New york?
Hi, is there a discord/group for Ireland?
I know there is a Miami discord posted below but I wanted to offer my link as well. I made this discord for the Miami JETs while we were at the airport to go to Japan and it’s remained lightly active ever since.
It’s got some bots set up for learning Japanese and other QoL. Basically every person in there is at least one year deep into the JET programme. Any one can join not just people from Miami, but we are almost entirely made of Miami JETs
Vegas ??
wondering if i should make a boston discord lol seems like there isn’t one
I think there is an Irish Discord group …anyone know the details. Cheers.
There’s one for New York, right?
ny line group chat!
is there a UK/London group? 🙂
Hey everyone, can I get a link to the NY line chat? and if there is a discord, can I get a link for that as well?
EDIT ( I got the NY line chat) however is there a discord?
South African Jets?
If you are interested in joining a community of Asian and Pacific Islander ALTs/CIRs/people in Japan, please consider joining API AJET! We have a [website](https://apiajet.wordpress.com/) where you can find and fill out the super quick [membership form](https://forms.gle/q1feHexhZQ1BbH9K9) (just so we know you’re interested), [other social media links](https://linktr.ee/apiajet), and a [Discord server](https://discord.gg/ykj9q7Q7RF).
Hey everyone, could someone provide me with a link for the Nashville consulate discord? The link that’s on this thread is coming up as expired 🙁
Anyone have the link for the UK discord?
Random question, is there one for BIPOC?
Hey all, link for the Canada discord is here: https://discord.gg/tTaDNdFWT4
It’s been about a month and I’m still looking for any Irish discord/group/whatever link. Or any group honesty, I wouldn’t mind joining another country’s group at this point. If anyone has any info on the Irish link pls let me know. Thanks
Anyone have the link for the UK Discord group? I just got upgraded yesterday.
Gunma-ken gc anyone?
For Ishikawa JETs!
Hello and welcome, excited to have you here. I will leave a couple of links below if you’d like to join!
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/groups/ishikawajets/?ref=share
Discord: https://discord.gg/N2HDVcg8yC
Is there a Hokkaido chat?
Line GC for incoming Kobe jets: https://line.me/R/ti/g/tJh0T1NvIw
Is there a discord for Osaka JETs? If not I might make one if there’s an interest!
Any Yamagata groups? 👀
Anyone made a discord group for Chicago JETs yet?
this thread isn’t updated as much, so check out this one with a “sub-thread” for each prefecture to discuss whatever or share prefecture (or city) specific info and links.
A Discord group open to all JETs in Kyushu (southern Japan): https://discord.gg/5g8H6gprYc. We also have a collection of resources and links to other related group chats and servers!
Anyone have the UK discord link?
Discord (New)- [https://discord.gg/6BHgmQ6tje](https://discord.gg/6BHgmQ6tje)
Discord (Old) – [https://discord.gg/C3jTYmjCFt](https://discord.gg/C3jTYmjCFt)
General FB – [https://www.facebook.com/groups/392784934197608](https://www.facebook.com/groups/392784934197608)
Private School FB – [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1576293326028185](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1576293326028185)
LINE: [https://line.me/R/ti/g/9-ZqyOuQc1](https://line.me/R/ti/g/9-ZqyOuQc1)
Kumamoto Discord: https://discord.gg/5ZJ8SHWS
Discord – [https://discord.gg/v2WXV6DxVg](https://discord.gg/v2WXV6DxVg)
LINE – [https://line.me/R/ti/g/gDnb7GazW0](https://line.me/R/ti/g/gDnb7GazW0)
Is there a discord for Niigata JETs or LA JETs?
Here’s our Gunma JET Discord Server!!! 🐴
Is there an Aomori discord?
I made one for Nagano: https://discord.gg/sagXPEN79Y
has anyone made a shiga-ken—or kansai as a whole—discord or LINE? 🙏
Is there a line or discord for people in Karatsu in saga prefecture