Lost Residence Card

I lost my residence card outside the country and I am re-entering Japan in a few days. Does anyone know what the process will be like at the airport and if there is anything I should do in advance? Many thanks.

  1. To ensure less resistance at the airport checkin, You should apply for ‘certification of re-entry permission deadline (再入国許可期限証明願)


    Process outlined here: https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/16-5.html

    > 再入国許可(みなし再入国許可を含む。)を受けて出国中に旅券若しくは在留カードを紛失した方又は新旅券の発給に伴い旧旅券を回収された方など、日本への再入国が可能であることを示す資料を所持していない場合、地方出入国在留管理局等で代理人の方等を通じて書面(再入国許可期限証明願)をもって再入国許可期限の証明を受けることができます。なお、代理人の方等とは、本人と同居する親族又は本人から委任を受けたことを証する書面(委任状)を所持する方をいいます。

  2. A Brazilian friend of mine got purse-snatched in Thailand, and it was a real hassle because Brazilian citizens don’t have visa free entry to Japan, so she had to get documentation from the Japanese embassy before the airline would even let her on the plane.

    If you’re from a country that has visa free entry, it should be a lot easier to get back to Japan, but I would at least call and check with the local embassy wherever you are.

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