Hakone Itinerary Check + Help

My partner and I will be traveling to Japan for the first time later this year and we have allotted 2 days in Hakone. We have a basic outline and list of things we want to see but need some help and confirmation. Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this!

We are coming into Hakone from Kyoto and would like to get there early. We have our ryokan booked and have emailed to see about check in times and/or dropping off luggage if we can’t check in. Anyone have experience with this?

Day 1:

This day will include train travel from Kyoto, stopping at our ryokan, and then we thought we would take the train to the Open Air Museum, take our time there, and walk around the area. After that we want to visit the field of pampas grass.

Dinner is at the ryokan served at 6 or 630. We have a room with a private balcony onsen and want to spend a good amount of time enjoying that.

Day 2:

Ryokan breakfast. We want to begin at the Old Tokaido Road and walk a good amount of it. We want to stop at Hatajuku Village and have tea at Amakaze. We also want to visit the Karakuri Puzzle Box shop/museum and the area around it – shops, food, etc. We want to see the Hakone Shrine and the waterfront Torii gate. Dinner again at the ryokan.

Do these day layouts look doable with travel times and time to enjoy the attractions? Should anything be swapped around or done in a particular order? Is there anything must see or special not our list that you’d recommend?

Thanks again! This sub has been an incredible to help

  1. 1. When are you visiting? The pampas grass is only in it’s golden form Sept-Nov. By December the show gets to it and in spring it gets burned to a crisp and looks ugly for a whilleeeee. You said later this year so I assume it’s during the autumn months.

    I think you could easily make it work if you left Kyoto early on. If you have time I do think you should walk around Hakone-Yumoto on your way in or out of the area and/or Make your way to Gora or Owakudani as well if you have any time on Day 2.

  2. Most decent Ryokans will hold your bags until check in time. They did this for me recently.

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