Big Balls Alex Gazerbeam about to get shredded by that fanbase if they ever get hold of this promo.

Big Balls Alex Gazerbeam about to get shredded by that fanbase if they ever get hold of this promo.

Big Balls Alex Gazerbeam about to get shredded by that fanbase if they ever get hold of this promo.
by u/Ezzanine in njpw

  1. I’ve always liked Coughlin, but this promo legit made me a true fan of his.

  2. Holy shit man dude make himself look more like a BC leader than Finlay did in 1 promo

  3. With those sunglasses and that mustache, he looks a little bit like Freddie Mercury. He should lean into that look more.

    Pretty decent promo, too.

  4. What a fucking promo he cut. He has single handedly made me interested in War Dogs. I just hope he can keep this momentum going, put on some great matches this G1 and the office take notice

  5. It was so awkward when he debuted with Kidd, but they’ve quickly made me believers in them. I’ve seen enough, I want this guy to make it out of his block this year.

    That promo was money, and came straight from the heart. Reminds me of Eddie on how quickly both of them can make you feel something. Hopefully they don’t dub it over a [soyrizo commercial]( this time around.

  6. Coughlin and Kidd ARE Bullet Club in my eyes. Finley, Connors and Moloney are all great and made me give a shit about BC since White left, but the boys are fucking killing it…

  7. Did NJPW add promo classes to the dojo or something? Everyone’s killing their promos right now

  8. What a fucking promo, haven’t thought much of him at all since I saw this, well done Alex

  9. Said it in a thread on the full presser; this is Dr Doom, origin of a villain shit. Goddamn outstanding work. Dude was going last and made every moment at that mic count.

  10. Two things that instantly motivate me to get into my gym and work out: Boobs and seeing Alex Coughlin in all his jackedness.

  11. First actual intro to him. I was on my phone while watching and after the part where he talked about getting his mom and dad shirts, I put it down and watched—very much a fan of his now.

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