Extra day in Hakone vs trip to Hiroshima/Miyajima

I’m going to Japan for the first time in October with my dad and we just decided to forego a travel agent and book everything ourselves. Been very appreciative of the posts here!

We want to have a few days that are more relaxing where we stay in a ryokan. Originally we were going to spend one day/night in Hakone after a few days in Tokyo and one night in Miyajima after a few days in Kyoto. Our return flight is out of Osaka so we will have to finish the trip there. Would we be really missing out if we skipped Hiroshima and Miyajima and instead opted for an extra night in Hakone?

  1. If you could ride a ferry or a water taxi while in Miyajima, it would be magical for you. The approach from the water is astounding.

  2. Hiroshima and Miyajima are very well documented attractions. How interested are you in seeing those? Personally one night at Hakone is enough but I also don’t have the patience for relaxation oriented holidays.

  3. The Peace Memorial Museum was one of the most moving experiences I’ve had in Japan. And while Miyajima is on everyone’s itinerary, the Daisho-in temple complex was well worth the trip. If you’re in Miyajima on a nice day, I bet it’s spectacular (it rained when I was there).

    If you’re going for your first time, I’d try to get to as many places as possible (within reason).

    Logical progression to me would be Tokyo – Hiroshima – Kyoto – Osaka.

  4. Here to say I just returned from Japan last week with a one-nighter in Hakone, and I loved it. I’d totally stay another night. Make sure the Open Air Museum is on your itinerary

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