Budget Cookery in the Rice Cooker?

On a super tight budget at the moment. Who has some good but budget friendly recipes for the rice cooker with ingredients easily found here in Tokyo? Hoping for variety, not just “rice.” I’m one in the home, so hoping with rice cooker recipes, it makes enough for that meal and a couple of lunches or next day dinner too.

I’ve made the usual rice & chicken and have also made a mock lasagna in there. Tried making cornbread too.

Any other deliciousness? Many thanks.

  1. Legumes/lentils soup or stew. Buy the dried ones, let them soak in water overnight.

    Super cheap, healthy and filling. Add some veggies or meat as you like, there’s a ton of different recipes for this.

  2. [https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B08Q38VRT4/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=chickpeas&qid=1689679088&sprefix=chickpea%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-7](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B08Q38VRT4/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=chickpeas&qid=1689679088&sprefix=chickpea%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-7)

    Not rice but you get like a 1kg of these dried for 1000yen and it makes a huge amount. I try to use them for salad, sprinkle them in with whatever leaves and tomato etc you can find. But those with more cooking skill can find quite a lot of uses for them.

  3. As a note – I know there are tons and tons online – but I was hoping for some specific shared recipes that folks know to be economical and delicious as they have made the dish themselves.

  4. Get some overripe bananas on sale & look up rice cooker banana bread online. I think the version I had used hotto keeki mix, which can be cheap on sale.

  5. Mushroom risotto. A 2-pack of eringi is 100 yen. Wash your rice like usual, add sliced eringi and a chopped up bulb of garlic. A sprinkle of olive oil if you feel fancy. Enjoy.

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