Re-enter Japan with almost expired residence card

I want to go on vacation abroad for a week but my residence card will expire in a few months (roughly 3.5 months from now). Is re-entry gonna be a problem? All I could find online is that the only requirement seems to be a valid residence card but I remember hearing or reading something about it needing to be valid for at least 3 months. Is that false?

  1. Went out of the country with less than 3 month on residence card, no problem out and in.

    The 3 month is for passport validity maybe?

  2. Hey if you’re really worried give the immigration office at Narita a call. I had lost my residence card and was freaking the f out and they were actually very kind and helpful. Even had folks who spoke English! Basically told me they could confirm my identity, I’d just need to go see them to sign a seperate form before I left the country so it’d be easy for me to re-enter

  3. The residence card is just that. They don’t even check it when you return. When you leave they will want to know if you are planning to return before it expires, and probably tell you to make sure you renew it….

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