The official end of the protest, the re-opening of the sub, and a new focus on learning going forward!

Thank you all for your support or tolerance of the protest over the last month (read the last paragraph※ if you’d like to know more about the protest). We are now opening the subreddit back up for everyone to participate!

The rules will remain the same as before. However, seeing the lean, learning focused, often 170+ comments in the Daily Thread state of the sub during the protest has inspired us to try out some new policies. There are two new changes we will be trying out to get more quality posts in your feed. These two new policies are intended to encourage helpful community participation and reduce spam in your feed:

1) The rules for posting will be a little more lax than before. Things that were disallowed before, such as previously answered discussions like “What is the difference between all the conditionals anyway?”, or even posts like “What is the best 2023 anime for learning?” will be allowed (within reason).

2) Comments are open to everyone, however, posting top level submissions will be limited to community members. In order to make a top level post, you need a small amount of comment karma from within this sub. So be sure help out answering questions in the Daily Thread or in other threads or ask pertinent questions in the comments if you’d like to make a top level post that shows up in everyone’s feed.

That said, even if you do not have enough comment karma or are completely new, you are still welcome to make a post if you [message the moderation team](

In order to ensure quality while we open up the floodgates, we would also like to welcome two new moderators: /u/_tasogare_ and /u/iah772 . Be sure to give them a big welcome in the comments!

Thank you all for putting up with the lack of communication recently, and looking forward to hearing your feedback!


※Although the admins have promised democratic moderation and better native moderation tools, they have promised these things for years so we unfortunately won’t be holding our breath for these changes. Try as we have, we haven’t found a better place to host this community and its archives of discussion, but continued suggestions of Reddit alternatives are extremely welcome.

(to combat brigading the comments on this post are limited to those who have been active on this subreddit)

  1. Excellent news! I first started on reddit when this protest started so it will be interesting to see this board in full effect.

  2. Thank the heavens! I’m so glad you are back and opening up. I hope things will be easier and Reddit will actually make sure the official app can do whatever 3rd party could do before. I’m also happy there are new additional mods to carry the workload.

    Very happy about the changes too!

  3. Now I can finally submit the blog post I’ve been saving titled *How I Learned Katakana & Hiragana in 30 Days*.

    Jokes aside, restricting top level posts to those who contribute is a welcomed change.

    Thanks for reopening.

  4. Can we also limit progress reports and “I just passed N5, here is my comprehensive study guide” kind of posts?

    I feel happy for those people but I am also tired of reading “I exchanged 5 sentences with a Japanese guy for the first time and are super proud”. Those types of reports could easily be made in a monthly megathreat.

  5. Really glad for point 2. My old person gripe was the amount of questions and posts that would’ve been answered if the poster had read the rules or the starter guide. Noticed far fewer of these queries during the lockdown period – more room for higher quality conversation. This will benefit beginner learners as well as old timers

  6. Wasn’t a fan of the protests but the new direction sounds positive.

  7. Great news! I think the loosening of posting rules while at the same time tightening posting requirements is a great idea.

  8. > Thank you all for putting up with the lack of communication recently, and looking forward to hearing your feedback!

    Why was the communication both so bad and at times so abrasive?

    I think the changes are positive and I’m glad the sub will be back open for everyone. Hopefully it results in some of the community spirit coming back. And of course, not limiting that community to people who have been studying for a while, but also to beginners.

  9. Maybe I’m just dumb but how do you know how much karma you have for a subreddit? I can see my overall karma but I don’t know how to break it down by subreddit. I tried Googling but couldn’t find a clear answer

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