Itinerary Help – 11 Days in Tokyo/Hakone/Kyoto – Mid November

I know this itinerary isn’t super detailed, but this will be our first trip to Japan and plan to do “typical” first-timer activities. This post is mostly for purposes of getting a second opinion that geographically this makes sense in terms of timing so I can start booking the hotels in Tokyo/Kyoto and the ryokan in Hakone. One question I have is if it would be worth dropping a night in Tokyo/Kyoto and adding another night at the ryokan in Hakone. I’m not sure if this leg of the journey is worth it for just one night. Perhaps a night at a ryokan in Kyoto would be a better option. I appreciate the help!

Day 1
Tokyo – Land in Tokyo at 3:30. Check into hotel (Shibuya or Shinjuku). Explore area.
Day 2
Tokyo – Typical activities/sites in Shibuya and Shinjuku.
Day 3
Tokyo – Explore areas of Tokyo outside of Shibuya/Shinjuku like Asakusa, Akihabara
Day 4
Tokyo – Tsujiki fish market, Teamlab Planets, Tokyo Tower, Ginza
Day 5
Hakone – Check out of hotel, travel to Hakone. Check in to Ryokan. Rest.
Day 6
Kyoto – Check out of Ryokan. Explore parts of Hakone. Travel to Kyoto. Check in to hotel. Explore parts of Kyoto (evening).
Day 7
Kyoto – temples in morning/afternoon
Day 8
Kyoto – temples in morning/afternoon. Potential evening trip to Osaka.
Day 9
Nara/Osaka – day trip from Kyoto. Not sure where yet.
Day 10
Nara/Osaka/Kyoto – another possible day trip from Kyoto. Might do one more day of Kyoto activities other than temples.
Day 11
Tokyo – check out of hotel. Travel to Tokyo. 5:30pm flight home.

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