Steelhead trout smelling a bit fishy

I’ve made farmed steelhead trout sushi before (cured it with salt and sugar) and i froze a part of it and dethawed it a week later but it smells a bit funky (fishy?) do i throw it out? Visually it looks fine (brown bits are part of the outer lining i didn’t get rid of). I heard steelhead trout is one of the smellier fishes. Should i just cook the fish/throw it out?

  1. The smell is noticeable when i stick my nose pretty close to it but it smells really fishy. Smell doesn’t fill whole room

  2. Fish is one of those things that I wouldn’t mess with. If it doesn’t smell like it did the last time you used it I wouldn’t risk it.

  3. Nope fishy smell is bacteria. Cook it on the outside at least if not put it into stir fry.

    Edit: Just to note the fishy smell doesn’t mean the meat is off or rotten, it’s just bacteria on the exposed surface of the fish. Cook the surface and it gets rid of most (nothing’s ever 100%) of the things that would make you sick.

  4. Salmon or steelhead wouldn’t be my first choice for DIY sushi/sashimi. If you could get it flash frozen ikejime, then I would.

  5. Yeah, “fresh” (never frozen) fish could be dead for like a week before it gets to you

  6. Stay away from eating raw any fish that spends part of their life in fresh water. Unless is properly flash frozen from a farm, it’s not worth the potential parasites no matter how low the odds of getting infected with one.

  7. don’t say that you bought it frozen, defroze it for seasoning and froze it again…

  8. Was it from Costco?

    ST tends to be more smelly vs salmon, I do the rice vinegar for 1.5-2min after the curing process for the very reason

  9. my dad always told me to soak fish in cold salt water to get rid of the fishy ness. the longer the better

  10. A little helpful trick for when trying to deal with the fishiness odor/taste – Give your meat a quick salt water bath and rinse it under fresh water. Works like a charm every time. I have friends I cook for who enjoy it with the “funk” and others who don’t and I’ve found this to be an easy way to handle it.

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